How to make money betting against Qanon

Yeah, that’s probably it. Pro-Trump bettors were putting up a lot of money elsewhere, but probably there weren’t enough qidiots to balance out anyone willing to put up real money on that particular site.

I always wondered how they arrived at those colors too considering the “red scare” referring the leftwing in the past. Also for some reason as a kid I associated the democratic mascot, the donkey with warm colors and the republican elephant with cool colors. ha. Apparently it all started with television and the need to be consistent, Finally solidifying in 2000:

BORING! Much more effective was the genius that set up a Facebook group called “Stop the Steal”. After attracting the kind of people you’d expect to join, mouth off, and invite all their fellow imbeciles (64K of them) the originator changed the group name to “Gay Communists for Socialism”.

Resulting mayhem was worth MUCH more than $400.


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