How to properly clean your eyeglasses like they are delicate camera lenses

Some folks have WAY too much time on their hands.

Maybe it’s more a problem of too much grime on their hands, but IDK?!


First, blow on the lens to remove loose debris and dust. Then use the stiched corner of your microfiber cloth to remove dug-in debris from near the frame. Blow on the lens to remove loose debris and dust again.

When using your microfiber cloth for the cleaning step, you should fold it over a few times to make a pad. Don’t have the stitched edge of the cloth on the face of the pad as it could act as an abrasive.

Then, start in the center of the lens and using ever enlarging circles work toward the outside of the lens. This ensures the center of the lens is least likely to pick up a scratch from an errant piece of abrasive.


Wow! Who wudda thunked it could be so complex. I personally lick both sides of the lenses (never clean them dry) then use a clean cotton t-shirt to rub them clean and dry. I found as a kid that saliva is a great grease cutter. One of the few things that will remove chicken grease from my glasses after eating grilled chicken.


Here’s what I do. If the smudges are bugging me, I take my glasses off and wipe them with my shirt until the smudges aren’t bugging me. About once every two weeks, I clean them with a cheap commercial lens cleaner you can buy at the grocery store. A few times a year, I’ll give them a deep cleaning with dish soap and water, using a q-tip or similar to get all the gunk that’s built up around the nose pads. That’s it. I’ve had my current pair about 5 years. There’s not a scratch on them.


Cool! Now let’s do cleaning cast iron and sharpening kitchen knives! I love this shit.

Laugh Reaction GIF by MasterClass


The advantage of this is that you colonize it with your microflora, so your glasses are less susceptible to attack from fungi or pathogenic bacteria. It may also help your glasses with certain aspects of b-vitamin metabolism.


The microfiber cloths can be found very cheap online. They are far cheaper than replacement lenses and as such I use a cloth for a week, then discard it.

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high five…

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The routine in the OP is…. ridiculous. Every time I hear something like this, I think, “this is a person who has never worked for a living”.


Those scratched up lenses of yours must make you pretty grumpy.

Arguably, don’t do the sonicator step that can only be destructive to surface smoothness/coatings.

Instead, surfactant sprays meant for lenses are good in conjunction with fresh microfiber cloths.

Excited Celebration GIF by Slanted Studios


Dean Winchester Reaction GIF


You can scrape the pan with the knife and it will clean the pan AND keep the knife sharp, but only if you seasoned the pan properly first.


I just squint harder.
someone vision GIF


Step 1: Get in car.
Step 2: Drive to optometrist’s store where I bought my glasses.
Step 3: Enter store.
Step 4: Tell receptionist that I need assistance with my glasses. She summons salesperson.
Step 5: Wait for salesperson. Pretend to look at frames for sale.
Step 6: When salesperson arrives, ask her to please clean my glasses because I lost the cleaning cloth they gave me. Salesperson takes my glasses in back.
Step 7: Wait for salesperson. Pretend to look at sunglasses display.
Step 8: When salesperson returns, thank her and put on glasses. Tell her, that they look great! I could never clean them as well as she can.
Step 9: Drive home.


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