How to take quality man selfies

Then that makes it experimenting with poses, rather than experimenting with photography really.

Isn’t the subject posing (as a part of scene arrangement/framing) also a part of the art of photography?

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Experimenting with photography has several components, but when you’re adjusting only one of those then you’re experimenting with only that particular element.

This can be intentional controlling for the other factors. Keep the other variables unchanged to see the effect of only the one variable. Prudent approach, I’d say.

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If you’re only going to change one variable, then the one that you vary is the only change you’re going to see.

Time for one variable. Then time for another one. Then time for yet another one. Once you get rough feel for each, then it is time to change more at once.


Aha! Now you’re talking. That indeed would be considered experimental. In the case of our duckface example though, there’s only one variable being changed.


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