How to tell good meat from the mediocre

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Is the link/video missing from the article or is it just me?

This was a really awesome video!


Meat judging makes me hungry.


I think the best way is look at the condition of the animals’ feet and teeth before they are slaughtered, and pay attention to how the animals and their environment smells.


This was the dumbest god damn thing ever. Every single selection was absolutely obvious from the first moment you saw the comparative products. He’d have been better off having a range of each one and explaining the differences in quality and production and identifying the best/worst or most/least expensive and stating where the law of diminishing returns begins.

this was as helpful as putting a McDonald’s cheeseburger next to some homemade fresh ground grilled burger and saying “I wonder which is the better burger?!”


$424 a kilo for Prosciutto? Wow, that’s a lot of cabbage.


His knowledge is… useful.
However, the selections could hardly have been more obvious.


Also the various stages of processing.


By the time I’m in a position to judge meat, that ship has already sailed. Still, the condition of a butcher shop or deli is important. If I’m stuck with choices in a supermarket, the only criteria left is color, odor, and expiration date.


Yeah the cheese video went that way too. They present it like a challenge but really it’s an opportunity to explain what makes a really special product.


You’re right, but I don’t think that many consumers have this level of experience. In fact, those higher end meats aren’t even available within a reasonable geographic radius for most people. I do wish he had gone into cuts of fresh meat, though. It’s far less obvious (to me, anyway) what indicates quality than cured meats.


I never knew salami was full of probiotics. I’m going to have to let all my vegan health nuts that I’m getting my pro biotics from pork :wink:


I only watched as far as the salami portion but I couldn’t visually tell shit from the two. As for the rest of your bitching that sounds like exactly what he did at least for the salami. Nothing like your analogy.

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I agree…fresh meats are much harder to determine which is good/bad. Which honestly sometimes you want the bad cut, it depends on what you are doing with it (braise vs grill for example).

I am honestly fine with doing a comparison here but it needs to be less obvious. He compared a high quality Mortadella to Bologna. Those are not even remotely comparable!! Mortadella to Different types of Olive loaf, sure. Bologna is really more like a big hot dog for slicing.

Edit: reply to @theodore604 The huge difference for the salami and dead give away was a natural casing vs the peelable casing. That said it all. He did the exact same thing for each other product and it was pointless. I admit…this is the sort of thing that grinds my gears.


Well, there goes my breakfast…


I pay the dollars and usually am satisfied.
Both that the animals likely lived better lives and that the product is better.

Oh, and beef steak, buy the ones that look like they’ve been the longest out… then take it home and leave it on the counter for a while. It will have more and better flavor and also be more tender.


This one’s a sad pig.

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I’d like to say that it’s pointless and insulting… but then, would I watch a clip called something like; “let’s learn about sausage”(?)
Probably not, unless for a particular project.

We have a new high-quality butcher in the area that I am thoroughly enjoying buying from. It’s all fresh cuts, but I think as they grow they will expand into charcuterie and aged meats. I basically don’t eat anything but chicken, farmers market meats and occasionally a local deli’s Italian sausage simply because I can’t trust the provenance or quality of the four-legged meats around me.

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