How to tie your shoes with just one hand

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Clever. I hope I never lose an arm, but if I do, I am set as I only wear shoes like this:


I have two hands but actually only use one by stuffing the laces down the side.


Not sure I want to know what OP is doing with the other hand :wink:

When I was consulting I preferred Steve Madden brand, since they had some loafers that didn’t look like loafers on casual inspection. Great for airport security.

Well I had the story all wrong, I thought it was Ravel himself who lost an arm.

Three things in no particular order.

  1. Elon knot. Does that guy know no bounds?
  2. Another way to tie a shoe with one hand? Who is so awesome they don’t stop after figuring out one?
  3. I can’t wait to see the rest of her content.

Absten did a video on how to tie back your hair with one hand which came in pretty handy when I broke my shoulder a couple of years back. My older sister, when she was a kid, used to practice pl;aying piano with her feet, just in case she should one day accidentally break both her arms. Strange family. Cool videos.


I’m impressed she can tie shoes with those fingernails.

I set a low bar.

Shankar from “I” uses NO hands!!!

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