How to wake up without coffee

No matter how much I drink on a regular basis, I never seem to form a dependency. I can easily forget to have a cup in the morning, or just not feel like it.

No, the problem for me is doing things the night before that make me feel like I need to wake up the next day. i.e. staying up late doing stuff, when I should be focusing on winding down to sleep.


How to wake up without coffeeā€¦

On a workday???

Balderdash; the result of any such foolish endeavor is NOT prettyā€¦


For long distance driving, I used to use this:

How to wake up in the morning?

Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow?

Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen?

During the day, computer screens look goodā€”theyā€™re designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldnā€™t be looking at the sun.

f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computerā€™s display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.

Itā€™s even possible that youā€™re staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better.

Or, if you have kids and work 4 jobs like I do, just drink the friggin coffee already. Because even if life doesnā€™t totally suck without coffee, the whole productivity curve is tilts glaringly, unavoidably, unarguably towards coffee. Dangit. Plain as day.

Advice not to take, no matter how desperate in the morning, from Dr. Emilio Lizardo:


Not mine, original at


Iā€™ve been cutting back on the caffeine - when at home coffee is made in a caf:decaf ratio of 2:3, at work Iā€™m drinking chai (black-tea based) with cream and sugar in the morning and green tea with some flower in the afternoon.


Ha. Everyone who knows, knows that drinking coffee while sleeping is the newest, bestest thing. Provides lots of pro-oxidants and flushes toxins, too.



Why is it always a video?!

Itā€™s a great tease, but not motivation enough to watch a video.


I ā€œlikedā€ your post, but since I responded to the original one by posting a video myself maybe Iā€™m being hypocritical. (At least mine has music.)

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You monster!!! :frowning:

Iā€™m not anti-video, and often watch various types, but I donā€™t find it a useful medium for many types of information.

Really sick of 15 minute instructional videos for simple text-centred tasks.

Iā€™m curious to know what is behind the headline tease, but not launching a video to find out.

/grumpy old man rant


Hereā€™s how to not need coffee in the morning - stop drinking it for a couple of weeks. Itā€™s totally a crutch.

Whenever I try to quit smoking, I pretty much have to give away coffee and booze too. Itā€™s amazing how much better I feel after a mere two weeks.


Adorable cautionary tale

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This is no joke. Since I hit my mid 30ā€™s, afternoon nap is a force of nature. If I donā€™t get a STOUT cup of coffee or two before noon on my days off, itā€™s game over for at least 2-3 hours come 1pm.

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Iā€™m assuming that ā€œR3061-amphetamine and dextroamphetamine extended release 30 mg; with coffeeā€ is not supposed to be the correct answer.

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