HOWTO videos for teens, by their dad: loading dishwasher, replacing toilet paper rolls

Wow, this is hilarious. How did this take so long? I feel like “Dad snark” + technology have existed together for some time.

This reminds me of when my mother decided to teach me how to cook. She soon lost patience because it turned out that I didn’t know how to cook.


I have watched this video no fewer than 10 times, and I still think she’s a magician. It didn’t even come close for me, but it might be “muscle memory” of the sheets in the closet. My wife kind of got it, which I guess is close enough for us…

That seems like a lot of effort. I’m pretty happy having my fitted sheets look like the one that the woman brought in a the beginning.

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It’s crumpled-ball approach for me. Good enough.

It is best to employ genetic algorithms in order to obtain efficient teenagers…
Get the kidlets started with chores at a young age – if they do not show a proficiency, somehow lose them at the mall/swap-meet/etc and start over with a new one. repeat as necessary.


Agreed. In fact, that’s exactly why closets have /doors/.

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Not exactly a genetic algorithm. Misses the element of mating the selection-surviving offsprings to produce a yet-better generation.

As soon as Martha said something along the lines of “How can you have a nice linen closet” my brain shut off. Who cares what their linen closet looks like?


I can give only the one like, sorry. The snark and sarcasm gave me a good laugh, as I have a 14 year old daughter. But I was disappointed, as I thought it might be a useful video like you envisioned.

With me, the parent-child dynamic doesn’t work well in a teacher-student relationship. I’ve often wished I could impart my wisdom without the parent-child element. It seems instruction gets confused with judgement.

Edit to add this gem:

I work in a factory. Most tasks are not rocket science, but it’s not stuff that you would obviously know. You get shown the ropes, then learn how to do it better from a conspiratorial senior that lets you in on a trick. Those who fail have the attitude that “I already know how to do it”.

A video series that demonstrated good ways to perform chores would be quite useful, even if you can’t motivate teens with it. (That’'s a separate issue.)

I agree the videos provided entertainment with no practical value. Dude just assumed TP pulls from the front, and didn’t even mention the pros and cons of pulls from the back (which is wrong, IMO, but teach the controversy).

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That’s part of it. Once you get them on board, you still have to get them through the “that wasn’t me” stage. “Do you seriously want to go there? We each take care only of messes that we made ourselves? You don’t know how to make beds, do laundry, do dishes, or unblock the toilet. Just grab the newspapers off the table and put them in the recycling please.”

If you want to keep the sheets toasty, you need to reduce the surface area compared to volume. Good call.

Christ, don’t re-ignite the Toilet Roll wars. Was Tank vs MRAP not bad enough?


Yeah, I think I just was set up wrong for it; thought it was going to be a loving parent teaching his kids house hold chores and then, what? I think it’s like that Go the Fuck to Sleep book, it’s the helpful video you wish you could make for your own teen.

True that about the teaching dynamic.

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