Originally published at: Huge deadly cobra interrupts golf game (video) | Boing Boing
Looks like the mongoose decides that there is no chance of successful attack now that the cobra has moved onto the camouflage free zone of that alien lawn.
The cobra easily could have gone around that round lawn marker thing but decided to parkour over it just to show off. I can’t blame the mongoose for passing on this particular nope-rope.
And to think golfers in the U.S. are still whining about a few javelinas.
Time to caboodle, it’s a danger noodle!!
Go Team Snake!
Golf courses are an abomination.
Headline should have been: Huge deadly cobra enlivens golf game
delayed a round of golf, you say?
We need a golf course destroying javelina, cobra, alligator, and Canadian geese supergroup
Hey, yo, mongoose, come get your boy!
They can import cobras to handle the javelinas. And leave them afterwards to deal with the club members.
It seems that she’s attacking the marker, directly. The print on the thing could look like a face to her, I think. She’s pretty pissed of to begin with.
Naja nivea has about 150 mg of venom per bite, and 0.4 mg/kg seems to be the lower limit for a 50 % chance to die.
I don’t have a problem with snakes, I really like them in a way. But that one? Hard pass. No encounter, please.
Oh, very beautiful … on a monitor or through a high powered telescope. That’s quite close enough, otherwise. I do applaud her for breaking up that golf game, though.
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