Humanoid wasps' nest built over an abandoned sculpture

It should be sufficient to add it to this one:

SCP-439: Bone Hive

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Good thing I read this in the morning BECAUSE I CAN NEVER SLEEP AGAIN


Based on the looks of their homes, New England WASPs displaced the orignal wasps ā€“ Powhatens.

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ā€œNuke the entire site from orbitā€“itā€™s the only way to be sureā€ ā€¦


A restored version of the 1922 one is also on Netflix instant, as well, complete with the original color-tinting.

In fairness to your position, I have heard the term ā€˜acquired tasteā€™ used to describe my company more than once.


Do the
Heā€™s funny, HA HA references
outnumber the
Heā€™s funny, hmmm references?

My first thought as well.

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