Originally published at: "Humble" and well-connected San Francisco real estate fraudster avoids prison sentence | Boing Boing
The thing that offends people most about Willie Brown is not that he’s blatantly corrupt but that his corruption is so undiscerning and petty. You could toss a quarter at the guy on the street and he’d probably debase himself for you.
Having him as her mentor is always going to be an albatross around Kamala Harris’ neck.
I’m obviously not in favor of the corrupt pocketing more money; but what always disturbs me about stories of politicians being bought for a few thousand bucks and a pat on the back is the consideration that such a price might actually represent a market equilibrium rate.
In the sense of not wanting the wicked to prosper you want corruption to be unrewarding; but in terms of what it says about general corruptibility you would want the going rate buy a politician to be really, really, high because that suggests some combination of durable moral fiber and significant fear of getting caught. If the price is a pittance, though, that suggests that the product is abundant and the perceived risk is low.
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