Humiliated Trump leaves NATO summit early after video emerges of world leaders mocking him

I really love Merkels face at the beginning: “Ach Mist… They promised they wait for me before making fun of him.”
I would bet money that all of them openly mock him while sitting around their conference table, the bolder ones of them even while he is around. They ALL fucking despise him, they despise having him around, they despise having to deal with him. And the more obvious it is that the emperor doesn´t wear any clothes the more open they wear this despise on their sleeves.


Couldn’t find a good FLOUNCING image, but I found some good Olsen Expressions…




If that were almost any other human being on earth, that pained expression would make me feel bad for them. But because it’s him… nah.


That would likely be linked to the relatively high percentage of NATO military purchases that go to American companies like Lockheed and Boeing.

He’s not trying to cajole us into contributing more for our mutual defense. He is a buffoonish sales rep.

The kind that people tolerate while he buys them a couple of drinks, but then at the office the next day they start looking for another supplier because they know he’ll rip them off somehow.


All the NATO summits.


When he announced his candidacy, way back then, I posted “He’s Hitler in a clown suit.” It’s pretty much exactly what has transpired.

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Like I said:

Face it Donnie, you were never the cool kid.


Trump can go fuck himself, the Mr. Sad Sack. Zero sympathy. He rolls on making other people feel small with his insults. So fuck that guy and every single dinkus who voted for him.

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And I think that 2% target is expected by 2024. So maybe we’ll (Canada) get there.

I keep telling the orange buffoon to suggest the target be 1% for all. Easy-peazy, almost all of NATO already meets this target! And certainly the US could make good use of ~trillion$ yearly.

But I’m told it’s simply not possible. Complete non-starter.

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What a fucking snowflake.


Pretty sure Trudeau, Macron, Johnson, etc let this recording out because they think Trump is effectively gone now.


The problem is we’re getting out of first hand experience.


When asked whether Canada should have a plan for meeting the two-per-cent target, Trump joked: “We’ll put Canada on a payment plan.”

I’m glad the reporter has the super power of knowing when Trump is joking and when he’s not, because I tend to take him at his word on stuff like that.


Poor Donald. First the NFL owners wouldn’t let him join their club, then when he joined the NATO club, they just made fun of him. He really hasn’t grown up enough to achieve any kind of sang froid.


This is especially annoying because apparently their superpower only extends to identifying jokes, and not, y’know… lies. In those cases, journalists are always quick to leap on the “we can’t say if he’s actually lying or just doesn’t know the truth, because nobody can truly know the mind of another person, so we’ll just say he was incorrect at worst” defense.


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