Originally published at: Hundreds of odd and unordered Uber Eats deliveries showing up in Los Angeles and New Westminster, Canada neighborhoods | Boing Boing
Preferable to the jerks that used my wife’s seamless account to buy $300 of Hennessey and sent it to themselves…
Probably a little kid that got a hold of mom or dad’s phone.
I am thinking it was to “validate” stolen credit cards with less risk of getting caught, hence the low amounts and odd delivery places.
Was thinking the same and its the most likely explanation
$300? Ha. On my lone trip to Winnipeg, somebody (most likely the waitress at the shitty chain restaurant I ate at with a coworker) bought $5K worth of Italian shoes and designer clothing with my credit card (edit).
I blame the waitress because a) we paid with separate checks and somebody got my coworker’s card too and b) she took our credit cards instead of bringing out the machine. Yeah, that should have set off warning bells; I was relatively new to Canada at the time and that wouldn’t have been so unusual in the states at the time.
Bad dog.
Could it have been a form of jamming by the competition? Place enough small orders at once and you overwhelm the system without much cost, undermining confidence in Uber Eats itself, and encouraging customers onto another platform. I see that backfiring, though: if all the drivers are on every platform, you’ll be crippling your own workforce, too.
Skynet is calibrating its targeting protocols.
At this point, a murderous AI overlord sounds like an improvement in government
Did they switch to a “AI-based” software recently?
Such Fraud
So Unauthorized
When the robots come for us, it won’t be with guns, but with an endless supply of cake, ice cream, and donuts.
Wall-E was a robot apocalypse movie. Convince me otherwise.
I got a call from the fraud department of my cc and was asked if i authorized the purchase of some floor mats at a car dealership in texas. i live in new york, and i said i did not. 2 days later i got an alert that someone tried to use my cc number to put a down payment down on a pickup truck in texas. i have never even been to texas. they told me the small purchases are indeed how they vaildate and get usage on a stolen or cloned credit card.
Uh huh … so tell me more about this robot apocalypse? And where would one sign up so I can avoid such things? Do they have pancakes?
Lots and lots of pancakes. Real maple syrup, too.
I for one welcome our new pancake serving overlords, long may they reign. Pass the butter, please? And why yes, I’d love a chorizo omelette, thank you.
Mmmmm! Chorizo omelettes.
We never stood a chance.
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