Hunter Biden found guilty

It’s news because the far right has been screaming about Hunter Biden and “his laptop” for years now, claiming that the President is part of some elaborate plot involving his son and that Hunter would never see the inside of a court room, much less be convicted, because Biden is putting his thumb on the scales of justice (to the detriment of Trump). This disproves all that shit. THAT’S why it’s being covered with this much focus… :woman_shrugging:


Jon Stewart Laughing GIF


I’m just happy the media has something else to “both sides” the hell out of! If only Hunter would commit 31 more felonies.



And I hope that his parents can get through this - they clearly love their son, no matter his flaws, and this must be devastating for both of them.


That’s a very good question. I don’t know, but I haven’t heard of it and it must be very rare.

I do know that an extremely small number of people who attempt to buy a gun and are rejected for one reason or another, are ever followed up on and an even smaller number are ever charged and convicted.

Most people who are rejected are because of criminal actions, and they would have answered incorrectly one of the following questions. (Listed below).

So based on that, I’d say it is very rare for one to catch a stand alone charge of lying on the 4473.

c. Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could imprison you for more than one year, or are you a current member of the military who has been charged with violation(s) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and whose charge(s) have been referred to a general court-martial?

d. Have you ever been convicted in any court, including a military court, of a felony, or any other crime for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a > shorter sentence including probation?

j. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, or are you or have you ever been a member of the military and been convicted of a crime that included, as an element, the use of force against a person as identified in the instructions?

As I understand it, the Feds really don’t like to bring charges on someone unless they are pretty sure they can get a conviction. So yeah, a book about it is helping them out.

Yep, that is absolutely why it is on there. Of course now EVERYONE uses weed.


20 points to the house that can find me any of the following:

  1. A 2A activist decrying the verdict and declaring an injustice that Hunter was convicted on the derelict law.

  2. A red-blooded conservative decrying the verdict because it reflects a deep state politicization of our justice system.

  3. Anyone saying that DJT would not have pardoned Don Jr. if the latter was in the same position as Hunter.


I note with interest that The Far Right has been perfectly happy to crow about this story.

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Yes, but you were concerned with MSNBC, so I was giving you a reason why they considered it newsworthy. :woman_shrugging: Because the far right has made it a center piece of their bullshit “Biden crime family” narrative to distract from the actual crime family that is leading their party.


Well, he was an Iron Age carpenter, so his biceps were probably respectable sized…


Jesus Reaction GIF


You forget:
6. It’s going to be appealed and likely locked up in courts for years, just like Trump’s case.

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My ethics trainings have become much more interesting ever since DC and Maryland decriminalized marijuana. As a government contractor, no staff are allowed to use weed, regardless the legality in the jurisdiction in which they reside. Fortunately we don’t provide services on site or provide any military or security related goods or services, so I don’t have to randomly ask people to pee in a cup.


“This is a rigged jury” said no Democrats anywhere.


And the entire Democratic apparatus let out a collective, “Meh…”


What’s funny about this is going to school in Manhattan, KS, which is really near Ft Riley, I knew several people either in the army or dating someone in the army, and soooo many of the smoked weed on the weekends. And that was in the mid-late 90s.

Sorta shattered my idea of people in the army being GI Joe, or something.


A lot of staffers looking up how to clean up ketchup stains today


I’ll say that - I think if there would be any real blowback on Trump, or even some inconvenience, he wouldn’t pardon or do anything for anyone else, even his own son. Even if Don Jr was stitched up on bullshit charges, and it was legit the kind of injustice pardons were meant to remedy.
Where can I collect my 20 points?


and truly unexpected how far legalization has come now that cannabis use is wide spread amongst white americans. /s


Jesus's favorite #gun