Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/11/maga-geniuses-stunned-as-hunter-biden-is-convicted-fueling-their-wackiest-conspiracy-theory-yet.html
I would have thought “eroding second amendment rights” would have been tossed in there too.
No matter what happens, the GQP are always the aggrieved victims in their little minds.
It goes without saying that the US justice system is highly flawed; the problem is that they think ‘the flaw’ is that it doesn’t serve them and only them.
Oddly, this may have be the opposite effect of actually bolstering 2A rights. Because if the Fifth Circuit’s 2022 ruling that questions the constitutionally of barring drug users from gun possession, it’s quite possible that this could end up before SCOTUS on appeal and could actually broaden who has access to firearms. There’s a compelling argument about veterans treating PTSD with medical marijuana that is legal in their state, but not the Fed.
So… more guns. Yay! /s
How many of us saw that coming a mile away.
Trump derangement syndrome? He and his KKKultists are deranged. America suffers a syndrome of ailments.
As it has been for years.
Obviously Biden sacrificing his son as part of an elaborate plan is just proof that arrogant liberals think they can replace god. It’s just theology.
“Dammit we aren’t owning the libs like we expected! We have to move fast before our own people get arrested for this stuff!”
-The RWNJ Cabal
Yeah. Lot of low hanging fruit in illegal gun ownership on that side of the aisle alright.
The Rittenhouse fellow, didn’t be take illegally bought weapons across state lines? As a for example.
Nods in Abraham
Marge is all in.
The biggest crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched.
Millions of dollars from foreign influence peddling into Joe Biden’s bank account.
Hunter Biden just became the Deep State’s sacrificial lamb to show that Justice is “balanced” while the other Biden crimes remain ignored.
… with the opportunity either to defend gun rights or to torment Hunter Biden, but not both, how will MAGA choose
I would assume that if he gets off with probation or even a light incarceration, he’ll probably just lay low and let the storm roll past. It’s been such a massive and public burden I can’t imagine wanting to drag it out any longer.
I doubt this case will end up before SCOTUS. I could be wrong, but I suspect this case is over. I don’t think Hunter will appeal it. And while I certainly don’t think Biden is orchestrating anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if he talked to Hunter today and said, “Don’t appeal. Go before that judge and express genuine remorse. Say you’re sorry, and take your lumps. Don’t act like Trump.”
I don’t know much about military procedure: don’t personnel have to return their guns when they’re done serving?
Yeah, I agree. Dragging this to SCOTUS will likely prolong it further than his probable sentence would.
You actually have to surrender weapons the same day as a weapons training exercise unless you’re deployed (ie. in an actual warfare scenario). Soldiers aren’t carrying guns around on a daily basis. This point was brought by a constitutional law expert as a “what if” for discharged veterans seeking a gun license while also carrying a medical marijuana card.
It’s not particularly difficult for civilians to obtain firearms. Republicans vehemently oppose restricting gun rights for those with mental illness.
Yep. The NRA opposes red flag laws in all instances. And prohibiting addicts from owning firearms is a red flag law. I actually agree with @anon55735979 that if this case were to go to SCOTUS, they might decide that question on the permit application violates the 2A. I personally wouldn’t agree, but it would probably be consistent with this Court’s views on these issues.