Hunter Biden to plead guilty to failing to pay taxes, likely avoiding jail time

There was just that one email to himself with the subject line, “Don’t pay taxes this year… or next”

But seriously, afaik, no criminal evidence of any kind from the (extremely suspect) laptop has been found. And that’s from multiple news orgs’ investigations and the House GOP clown show. Now they’ve switched over to freaking out about the FBI form FD-1023, which is a self-reporting document that may or may not have been created by one of Giuliani’s paint-huffing buddies. About as accurate and worthwhile a data source as VAERS.


Whatever it takes to keep the perpetual outrage machine going


To be fair, neither Joe Biden nor Boris Johnson then went and put their children in positions of significant political power though. (Unlike, say, to pluck an example out of thin air, Donald Trump.)
Although there is that story about the unknown blonde 29-yr old who suddenly got elevated to the peerage last week. Nah, that was clearly just for her undoubted political talents. (Note: I do not subscribe to this particular conspiracy theory. It’s hard not to like it though; it’s so plausible.)


re: The weapons charge.

I wasn’t because it wasn’t registered, or anything like that, but simply the fact that per the Gun Control Act of 1968, one is prohibited from owning a firearm if one is “an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance” (18 U.S.C. § 922)

It was included as part of the War on Drugs (and all of the BS that comes with that.) It usually is something they can tack on with other crimes. Interestingly, they didn’t charge him with lying on the 4473 form, which apparently he also did.

With how many states have legalized weed, it’s one of those crimes that seems to only be selectively enforced.

Between that and the tax charges, it all seems like a fairly privileged slap on the wrist. But I just came back from the store and Mark Levin is losing his mind at how much Hunter “got away with” (all the supposed bribes and payoffs from china and Ukraine.) Of course, there isn’t any actual evidence of wrong doing there.


Marge is upset, she’s wrong about the facts but it’s cute that she tosses in the line about not being white.


Given even Boris is unsure how many children he has, can we be SURE he didn’t have any working for him? I’d lay even odds even Boris wouldn’t put money on that :slight_smile:


They were @milliefink. Even though lying about your sobriety on a gun registration form is a rarely prosecuted crime for anyone else.

What they really would love to get him for are those nude selfies that were on the laptop but aren’t at all illegal.

#2 is the point @generic_name, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The Extreme MAGA Republicans just want dirt on the legally elected President Joseph Robinette Biden. They don’t really care about what his son did.

The laptop gave them nothing on Joe Biden. The so called FBI “whistleblowers” gave them nothing on Joe Biden. The FBI form from a Ukranian source who worked with Burisma gave them nothing on Joe Biden. The cannot find any of the other “whistleblowers” they love to gas on about. They have nothing on Joe Biden so they’ll just keep throwing shit at the walls until something sticks. Which quite frankly it won’t.

Darn that Trump administration prosecutor for going easy on him!


What did Charlotte Owen do to become a lord again?


Biden has been big on being anti-gun. His son getting a sweetheart deal on the gun charge directly goes against one of his policy planks. It’s not about the charge itself, it’s about holding the Democrats to the standards they set.

Not especially, no.

Biden has been pushing for more action on background checks and restrictions on assault weapons. Neither of these things are even remotely controversial in most societies. Even by American standards Biden is a moderate when it comes to gun laws. He certainly never made “harsher penalties for people who lie about drug addiction on gun permit applications” a major plank of his platform on gun policy.


I don’t disagree that Joe Biden has been very vocal about gun reform (without actually doing much). And I’m always happy to criticize the Dems for rarely ever putting their money where their mouths are.

In this case specifically, I’m not sure any Dems have been particularly vocal about the laws around self-confessed form fill-outs, especially as it affects people struggling with addiction. It’s a tricky law that traffics in all kinds of state-vs-federal contradictions, not to mention some legitimately questionable civil rights concerns over ableism or discrimination towards people dealing with addiction. Beyond some obligatory generic “fix background checks!” I don’t think any politician has been particularly passionate about that specific clause.

That’s part of why I don’t necessarily agree that Hunter really got a “sweetheart deal” on the gun charge. The other part is that ATF enforcement on those kinds of matters usually isn’t that aggressive, and typically involves a plea deal anyway. IF the ATF commits the worker power to investigating whether such an act of fraud happened, and IF they decided to actually do something about it, they’d likely negotiate with that person anyway — they’d say “Voluntarily surrender your weapons to us, stay clean for a few years, and we’ll forget the whole thing.” If anything, they’d use it as a stepping stone to investigate drug dealers, or the arms dealer that sold the gun.

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Five years of investigations, and many millions of taxpayer dollars spent on convicting Hunter Biden for not paying some taxes (which he eventually paid)? Yup, that’s fiscal responsibility.


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