Hurricane Dorian hits Charleston

All things considered, circa America+5.

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> Your caption in the BBS thread

“The Anti Body Shaming League” ponders its new campaign and spokesmodel”

“This is America”

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Now, if one must confront a hurricane face on, and die and incredibly painful death, doing it like that is metal AF, and admirable.


you could dig a few holes if you could harness the winds power

“Captain 'Murica”

Or, if you’re feeling meaner:

“Captain Moronica”

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Intensi-fried man boobs.
It used to be a real sin to allow the colors to fly in the rain or touch the ground, and you certainly couldn’t wear them on your ass, like this ass is doing.
I remember when Peter Fonda’s jacket, gas tank, and helmet were all flagged in Easy Rider. What a scandal that was. We were all scared to do it down here, because the rednecks would beat the shit out of you. That was before they even knew how to spell 'Murica.
Nobody even knows what that means anymore, and they certainly don’t care about protecting the debased flag of this banana republic. It’s a meaningless symbol of a growing tyranny of the kakistocracy.


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