'Hush' is the best 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' episode

The Body, Hush,and Once More With Feeling would be my top three. The Body felt so real to me due to recently having lost my best friend.

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It’s been too long since I’ve watched it to pick out great “typical” episodes, sadly, but Hush isn’t actually a poor choice. There’s some character stuff that’s funny for fans, but quite a lot of it focuses on The Gentlemen and since it’s a ‘silent’ episode it’s more atmospheric than reliant on the Wheadon dialogue.

That was literally the episode I was given to watch; I could appreciate it on some level, but it was obvious that the in-jokes and references in the episode were utterly lost on me.


I used to record Buffy on VHS and watch it a few days later. One week I was in a non-Buffy related newsgroup and someone posted a big long post about an adventure they were doing for their RPG campaign, going into a bunch of detail about these creepy Gentlemen and how they kept everyone silent and kept their voices in a magic box, etc. Then at the end he says “this of course is the plot of the just-aired Buffy episode”. Worst Spoiler Ever.

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