HYST Generic Discussion Thread

It’s over?


It seems so… now we just wait for the next idiots inspired by these guys to do something dumb.


“I’m really confused right now,” - Really, that was 40 days ago. Now Fry’s just heading to prison as a result of poor life choices.

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That OK Go video looked like a helluva lotta fun! I wonder how long it took them to choreograph and practice and all that.


wow. the cluelessness of the OP.

Continuing the discussion from Have you seen THIS?:


I have a (definitely not aryan) colleague who does/did this. I saw some of the photos. They had a nice cake with a swastika on it and everything.


That is freaking awesome. I expect those women to give little quarter to ISIS.


@TobinL, where/how did you stumble upon that little gem?


Dangerous Minds via MrsTobinL


That does raise the bar for cat videos by a lot. Maybe the African-Kemetic vision of the afterlife really is true and we should take that other thread more seriously? Or maybe it’s only true for cats and eh, whatever.



I am ashamed to admit that I’ve enjoyed not taking that thread seriously a little too much.


I just watched the music video.

Now I’m wondering if I should go see if I can get hold of Shoot 'Em Up from the library or Netflix.

Or one of the Crank movies.

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That thread confuses me because of Egyptian grain silos.


I don’t see a whole lot of movies in theatre, but somehow managed go see Shoot 'em Up there. It ws much fun, but rather silly. The joke about expensive cars is timeless, though.

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Continuing the discussion from Have you seen THIS?:

Just as long as the titular Henry doesn’t turn out to be Hank Rollins.

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I don’t see why this is so difficult to understand - apart from the much greater debt millennials have coming out of university, houses are much more expensive than they used to be compared to the average salary, and millennials don’t have much trust in the market. They also tie you down when it’s often smarter to be mobile. Pensions aren’t as good value either, as we will retire later with a lower return on our investment. Holidays are a much smaller expense and as travel may be much less affordable or available when we do get old, it doesn’t make any sense to wait. Most importantly, not paying toward a pension plan or buying a house is the least we can do to get back at the boomer generation.

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(David Cameron attacking Jeremy Corbin’s suit)

I don’t know if David Cameron thinks he’s Donald Trump, but ordinary politicians lose a lot of face making comments like this. Especially the fact that he didn’t direct attack Corbin’s appearance, but brought his mother into it, saying his mom would attack Corbin’s appearance. Thanks for letting us know you were raised by a bitter, petty mother, Cameron.


Cameron does has his moments when he goes a bit hog wild.


I don’t know the specifics of this particular historical re-enactment group – or even if it is a real one – but for the record, it is common for re-enactment groups to require newbies to play the wrong side first, since very few people actually want to, and then if they stay for at least a couple of years they are then allowed to graduate to the good side if they want (they might have enough invested in their persona at that point that it might not be practical to do so).

Source: I used to do Voyageur re-enactments (no bad guys there, really) and had a handful of friends who did Civil War re-enactments and thus went though the process of playing Confederate soldiers initially despite being very much Northern-born and anti-Confederate-Cause.