Tabloid style headlines and sensationalism of BB

All those of us who have been here a while are familiar with how certain of the main BB crew have a tendency to exaggerate or use colorful language in headlines and in their postings. I’m wondering how many of you consider this to be a feature and how many to be a bug.

Bug. I don’t enjoy being led up the garden path, and somewhere along the line I picked up the inclination this crew fancied emselves above that sort of sleaze; it gives me the cognitive dissonance when I see it. I thought I’d found a place to hide from that crap. At least it’s fairly infrequent… I haven’t bothered to take note of who does it yet.

Also, your headline could be construed as somewhat ironic if you squint a bit (or you jump to a conclusion un-truncating it); I think you should’ve pushed it over the line into intentional irony.

Well aware of that good sir!

Prolly should’ve made it,

Also, since your headline could be construed as somewhat ironic if you squint a bit (or you jump to a conclusion un-truncating it), I think you should’ve pushed it over the line into intentional irony.

But come to think of it, I’m hard-pressed to come up with anything more emphatic that doesn’t sound more than a bit ridiculous, so good job, I guess.

Free ice cream is always a feature. Worth twice the price of admission.

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