I could not finish 'Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League'

Everyday is bowb your buddy day.

Thanks for this. I’m glad not to be the only person disappointed with the book. It’s even worse than the short run of comics from about 10 years ago, but at least that had some art to look at. Better get this tome to the used book store before word gets out how bad it is.

Why do you want some innocent browser to suffer?

Oh, this sounds as far as possible from Chuck Tingle’s masterful works of butt-pounding hijinks. Tingle treats the subject with grace, wit and CONSENT. Do not malign the Tingle!


Aww, bummer. I’ve got an as-yet-unread copy sitting right here next to me as I type this. I was excited.

now I’m not… :frowning:

It was, however, literarily so.

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Well poo. BB was on the TV a few weeks ago and my wife couldn’t understand my glee. I especially liked the parts where they didn’t sodomize anything. I’d forgotten about the teaser at the end of the credits and went on a big research binge to see if it existed, was disappointed that it all seemed to be tied up in movie-business bullshit, and now I’m extra-disappointed that now that it’s a thing it’s some sort of unpleasant Ernest Cline-Neal Stephenson-style shitfest (Sorry to all the Neal fans, but holy cow does that guy have some issues around ladies). To think I was going to use Buckaroo as my role model.


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