I discovered the best flour for homemade pizza. My kid and dogs agree it is awesome


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It’s likely that a significant aspect of why this flour works better for pizza than either Bob’s Red Mill or King Arthur general purpose flour is because it’s made from farina, which is a specific way to grind wheat into flour.

What’s the best flour for deep dish pizza? I’ve used an All-purpose/Semolina blend, any advice out there?

For all that is holy, weigh your ingredients with a scale. This will also make your pizza more consistent. Also, try to find an importer or bulk goods place to buy a 25kg bag of the 00. At PFI in Seattle, it runs about $45 for the big bag. Well worth it if you frequently make pizza.

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I bought a scale that @maggiek recommended!


I might give that a shot!

I hate how absurdly expensive the crusts at the store are and frozen pizzas get old.

Of course I say that, but the whole dough process is sometimes way too big a time/effort investment for me and I generally only do it once in a blue moon before resorting to lazier measures.

Those little biscuits in a tube are surprisingly good for mini-pizza crusts. Just smush 'em and throw on your ingredients! Nice middle ground between the options.

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I’ve been baking bread and pizza for years and rarely measure, let alone weigh. It’s easy enough to adjust the hydration by feel, taste to see if it needs more salt. Who wants the same loaf every time? Of course, if I baked for a living, that would be a different story.



Whole Foods usually sells flour in a 5 lb bag, This is more than twice as expensive per bag, for half as much.

What would be the gram weight of a cup of this flour?
Flours vary by gram/cup. And even by region, so a Gold Medal from the south might be softer than the same brand in California. (this is why some ‘grandmother recipes’ don’t travel well)

For example Gold Medal All purpose is 130g/Cup
While USDA generic All Purpose is 120g/cup
and King Arthur claims there’s is 113g/cup to it’s AP flour.


Depends; African swallow or European?

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seriously? You can obviously bake pizza only with farina di tipo doppio 0!
Now I want to know what american people usually use to do it

I believe a variation of that flour is necessary to be certified as a member of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana. And having eaten at a few pizzerias in Chicago that are certified, the crusts are damn fine with it.


  1. Proper Ingredients: Only fresh, all-natural, non-processed ingredients (preferably imported from Naples or Campania region) are acceptable:

a. wheat flour type “00”: highly refined flour which has been milled to standard “00” (doppio zero). A small amount of wheat flour type “0” (Manitoba) is allowed to be added providing the percentage ranges from 5 to 20%. This variation is dependent on the external temperature and is used to enforce the ‘00’ flour and not replace it.

And if you’re in Chicago, I recommend Forno Rosso on Harlem near Addison.
Spacca Napoli is the other certified place, but I think Forno Rosso edges them out.

Not sure if it’s useful for baking pizza, but a little hat tip on flour, the chain Great Harvest Bread Co grinds their own flour and will sell you bags of it. You have to ask for flour; they don’t stock it on their shelves.

Now, You just need to get the mineral content of NYC water or Naples and plug it into a mineral water calculator to add the trace amount of minerals to simulate that water.

25 kgs = 55 lbs
5 lbs = 2.2 kgs

cool link. I tried to comment there but am not seeing the mechanism - for people looking to clear dissolved solids out, the Zero water filter is a good option. We use it with our good but crazy coffee maker which for some reason the makers did not see a water filter as a replaceable part.

You could doctor other flour with wheat gluten and probably get the same effect.

Yeah the 00 flour is fantastic! Makes great French crepes, gotta mix it with a little plain flour too say 50/50.

You’re opening a big can of worms there, buddy. Has the flour been squashed / tamped? Sieved? Live in SF with humid air, or Salt Lake City?

The best thing is to get away from any recipe by volume, and go with specific measurements by mass.

I got into making sourdough via Tartine, and have never looked back.

Do I get the same loaf every time? Nah! I have the whole process under such good control that I can vary it how I like! Sure, no lucky dip for me, but man, what great bread!

Can verify. Our local AVPN certified pizza place, Famoso, uses only “00” type flour. And it is spectacular. As soon as I saw the picture of the crust above, I knew exactly what kind of flour you’d discovered. :smiley: