‘I’m the sheriff’: Gentleman in phony cop car halted by actual lawman

As a non-American I find it bizarre that the knife is illegal but not the gun!


Given that these impersonators are stupid enough to do this, they may well be among those who cannot even meet the abysmal standards for US police recruitment, which makes it somehow more disturbing.


In my neighborhood in New York, I periodically see police vehicles at the site of film shoots that have lightbars and all the rest of the paraphernalia, but with blue painter’s tape applied in an ‘X’ over the word “Police” and other identifying text. I don’t know if these are prop vehicles or actual police vehicles that have been loaned to the filmmakers, but there’s clearly some requirement to signal “This is not a working police vehicle,” and that requirement can apparently be met just with strategically-applied tape.

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Paint them bright pink, that should do the trick.

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  1. Before the Best Buy incident, there was a pizza chain whose delivery cars kinda sorta resembled police cars, so they had to negotiate some changes.

  2. I lived next to campus that had been repurposed as a filming location for some TV shows. When they needed police cars in the shot, they’d arrive on the back of a car carrier with “MOVIE CAR” displayed in all the locations you’d expect it to have an agency logo. For the shoot, they’d swap those for decals that looked like the police logos, and then the MOVIE CAR decals went right back on. My memory is hazy, but I think they also had black covers that fit over the light bars on top.

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That’s too bad. People could have had pizza in 10 minutes or less.



Taking this to its logical conclusion, someone can put a working pizza oven in the back of a paddywagon.



I think I’ve said something previously about Pizza Hut using those big panel vans like SWAT used to use before Pepsi bought them out. It would be the best of both worlds!


“CAll ‘911 Pizza’ for your next pizza emergency!”
“What do you mean we’re causing erroneous 911 calls? And we’re not impersonating anyone, our vehicles and delivery people just have a police theme!”

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Yeah, SMIDSY excuses are almost worse than no excuse at all.

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