Police impersonator arrested

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/06/police-impersonator-arrested.html


Ugg, we have a guy somewhat like that around here who provides escort duties for funeral processions. He blocks roads and crosses double solid yellow lines to move opposing traffic off the road. After my first few run-ins with him, I looked up the laws in my state and he’s way outside the rights given to funeral procession guides. The next time I catch him at it, I’m calling 911. He’s a hazzard to the community and needs to stop.


Dewitte was wearing a law enforcement motor officer’s similar apparel to include a shirt with a police-like badge, bullet resistant vest and a helmet with a police-like badge and the words “Motor Officer" written on the front. Dewitte dawned in plain view, a fully equipped duty belt containing a black Glock-looking gun, pepper spray, an ASP baton, handcuffs, two pocket knives, a two-way radio, and a multi-tool.

Ah, you can tell this was written by a cop, it’s barely coherent.


donned, not dawned


Even if it was “donned”, to say he “donned in plain view” would mean that he actually put it on at that moment in time, not that he was already wearing it.


This seems like a great opportunity to talk about Cop Report / Testimony Language. What is the deal? I guess it’s trying to sound factual but mostly just comes off as officious. And yet, it’s so consistent! Do they learn it in training?

(Unfortunately that scene from Parks and Rec that sends this up does not seem to be easily findable online…)


Another weapons-happy right-wing authoritarian moron who things magical incantations and bluster will mark a path away from the trouble he’s gotten himself into.

There are better and more fulfilling forms of cosplay than this.


WTF does “dawned in plain view” mean. I cannot even begin to parse what meaning was intended.

ETA and @MotoGuzzi - what @Celandine_Crane said.

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If he was black or latino, well we know how that would end.


Fortunately that probably wouldn’t happen. It seems that every time someone is busted for impersonating a police officer, it’s some creepy white guy.


Roger That!


I wonder who he voted for in 2016? :thinking:


Real piece of work.

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Reeeeal piece of work.

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Roger that, SERGEANT!


I was just about to mention that. The video would have been about 30 sec. had our cosplay provocateur been of a different shade.

Also what’s with the random removal of items from the belt. Can’t you just remove the belt completely OR at the very least start removing things in a clockwise direction. Hardly seems like a well honed (sorry donned) procedure.

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conversely when there’s a blue on blue shooting it’s very often not a white guy who gets shot


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Did this guy try and become a cop and didn’t pass the exam or whatever? Or he was a cop, but was (and I know this is hard to believe) a blowhard idiot, and got busted down by his superior regularly? Because that’s a whole lot of venom he keeps putting into the word sergeant. What a pathetic loser gentleman.


He’s trying to say “donned,” but he thinks “don” means “to wear [clothing]” and doesn’t realize it means “to put [clothes] on” or “to get dressed in [clothes].”

Yeah it’s weird as funeral escorts are just dudes dressed up like cops? In some cases trained security officers, in some cases just a dude.

In South Florida it’s something of a problem. My friend in Miami who is an ACTUAL cop has fun stories of having to pull these guys over for driving recklessly. I sent him this video of one of these guys eating shit on a motorcycle and his response was “yep that’s about right.”