The PepprGrindr maybe?
PC Load Letter?
On the one hand, this is clearly ridiculous, but on the other, people have long talked about things like “smart” salt-shakers that track and control sodium intake and coordinate that information with other devices to give you a picture of your dietary issues. (Although it’s unclear how much of that this actually does.) So…
Clearly there is a hugely under-served demand, based on all the new “smart” products coming out…
I call Shenanigans. Where’s the Vitamin R?
I have one of those salt boxes with the swinging magnetic lid, though mine is the slightly larger egg shaped one. Bought two because my mom stole mine actually.
… into a device that randomly sprinkles apostrophes into sentences.
Someone has hacked into its verb / noun agreement already.
That’s a Rule 34 if I ever saw one…
1/2 the Stepford smile of vintage Jell-o™ salad advertisements; 1/2 Combine Overwatch Dispatch voice. What could possibly go wrong?
Gutters, mainly.
No, it should actually be linked to your medical record and only dispense as much salt as you are allowed by your doctor. And it should chide you in patronizing tones if you try to shake out more than that.
Isnt’ that the kind of thing the IoT is for?
Then it’s a good thing it’s smart enough to know the quantity indicated by the phrase “to taste.”
That send the information directly to their cardiologists, I hope.
Given that this thing has a mic and(since Alexa is mentioned) a connection to Amazon; it could probably do that and enforce the Verbal Morality Statute at the same time!
What a glorious future awaits.
My competing product, the Pepprtm, is going to blow Smalt away in the marketplace. One key advantage: so far as I know the Smalt lets you reload its reservoir with any granular material, and how do you know that salt isn’t adulterated? Or expired? For the customer’s convenience the Pepprtm can only be refilled with genuine quality-controlled individually tracked Powdrtm Packs, with their contents guaranteed to be perfectly fresh and not to be past the use-by date. In order to ensure this, the Peppertm will not function unless it is connected to the internet and streaming audio and 360-degree video back to Pepprtm’s corporate headquarters and to anyone else who’s interested.
Pepprtm: Pep up your palate!
My neighbor at the office has a bluetooth enabled fork, which sends him notifications when he is eating too fast. Swears it helps him avoid indigestion.
If by “cardiologist” you mean “marketing company”, then yes!