I refuse to believe that this "smart" salt shaker is real

Smart huh?

“What is my purpose?”
“You shake salt.”
“Oh my god.”


… and send you some salt when you are running low… by drone.

Also known as “the place where you pitch designs for consumer electronics that were too ridiculous for Sharper Image.”


That’s mine, too!

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To steal from the Harvard Lampoon:

Fill in the blanks: “A ____ and his ____ soon are ______”

It was in the preface to ‘Bored of the Rings’. God, I love that book. Is that wrong?

“…first of it’s kind…”?

I wouldn’t call that smart.

Internet of S**t, and I don’t mean salt.


I like the crapgadget reviews, but you guys should really make sure that they’re dumber than the stuff you’re trying to sell with a straight face.


Wait a minute, you are actually criticizing a useless kitchen whatsit no one wants or needs? Who are you and what have you done with Frauenfelder?


Yeah, that’s more or less how it’s been talked about - a collection of “smart” objects collating health-related data for your doctor. The reality ends up being something, else, of course…

“My fork has run out of power” is not something I thought I’d ever hear.


You know… If you could actually say this in a presentation while keeping a straight face, I believe that you have a potentially lucrative career in marketing waiting for you.

Nice! It would be neat if it were a salt vampire, and could emulate Legacy of Kain spells where it extracts salt instead of blood from various appetizers. Maybe sub back in cannily among ghost pepper, turnip, garam masala etc. Vim bindings for your palate! Puts the fiddle factor back in, as it were. Could still be marketed as SįƝƓƖËƤÄƛƏƦ if it croaked out calming speed metal and punk homilies.


You are insufficiently acquainted with 1970s MAD issues, which featured (among other utensils) the motorised spoon for grapefruit-segment extraction, with a windscreen wiper for the squirt guard; and the powered knife for tough steaks.


Wireless, yet connected. Needs power. That means it is… Smalt and battery.

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At the risk of not entirely ridiculing this, it looks more like a Bluetooth speaker that for some reason has a built in salt shaker.

(It is entirely ridiculous though.)

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No, no, no, I said send out a salt drone… I didn’t mean…



The device, as you’re most likely aware of, is not the only source of salt for a person. In fact i can’t recall the last time i used a salt shaker in my life. Usually i don’t add salt to my food while cooking because the majority of the salt is already being provided by certain ingredients. If i ever need to add salt it’s usually not that much. SO using the device as a way to track salt consumption is pretty silly because it’s missing salt from all other sources. Now if someone incorporated something in a fitness tracker that could measure concentrations of certain compounds in the body, that sounds actually useful.

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Just a reminder to everyone learning about this incredible innovation:

Murder is wrong.

Okay okay, not ALL murder, but remember to make a reasoned case for it before undertaking it.