Ice-T shares his unfiltered opinion on typography

Speaking as someone who not only worked in print and design for nearly thirty years, but was also a book designer, I can confirm that you’re talking bollocks. While you’re perfectly entitled to your opinion, it is, in fact, completely irrelevant.

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Eh, I don’t know.
I stopped using the beautiful Gill Sans font after learning about Eric Gill.

Separating works and authors is a long and difficult discussion.
I am rarely able to do that, but that might be a personal shortcoming.


I have no idea what part of my opinion was bollocks for you. If you think I was diminishing the field you work in, that was not my intent and I apologize for offending you or anyone else.

But making a semi-religion out of worshipping font is something silly, as with any other cultural artifacts. Fun, maybe, and livelihood may depend on people who gets paid by designing it. But that’s the extent of its importance in the grand scheme of it all. It’s just a tool. Font is not destiny :wink:

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I can’t disagree with that statement. It’s too true.

Laugh all you want, but I’ve seen obituaries in the local newspaper in Comic Sans.
And then the moment came that I had to post an obituary myself. I added the note to absolutely not use Comic Sans, thankyouverymuch.

Whoa that’s very interesting. Thanks for the info.

I wasn’t joking.


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You’re the only one talking about typography being “holy”.

And I think we should stop here. You and I both know where this is heading.

The typography is not set. There is no font but what we make for ourselves.


Vince Connare designed it to fill a design deficiency in Microsoft’s design of a long-defunct GUI. It was intended to be friendly and approachable for novice computer users. For several reasons it was not used. Technically it is a higher legibility typeface for short burst use/presentation (rather than immersive text). That is why some dyslexics find it easier to read.

It is easy to dismiss it as silly (or whatever negative criticism you might choose), but to explain why is harder.


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