Idaho GOP Congressjerk: "Nobody dies because they don't have access to health care"

The problem is that lack of empathy is a pre-existing condition.


The “don’t have access to health care”

Yeah, I have access to buying a lear jet if I could afford it.


It’s interesting that people like him are right that health insurance costs are sky rocketing. That is truth.

They seem to be confused as to why. It isn’t because of Obamacare/AHCA. It isn’t because of the poor or uninsured. It isn’t because of the elderly or those with preexisting conditions.

It’s because of the price gouging and for profit industry that is our health care system. My youngest son has bad allergies. And this time of year he uses a liquid med, nasal spray, and eye drops to get through each day. Those eye drops have no generic version and while I have fantastic private insurance it still costs me a whopping $65 per bottle. Which lasts about 2 weeks.

THAT is the problem Congressman.


You know, you’re right, and they’d farm this stuff out anyway. On second thought he must be a Frey


Albuterol inhalers were generic, until they needed to use a different environment​ friendly propellant. That made them patentable again, and $70 WITH insurance!


Closer to their plan than you might have realized:


If we don’t vote these people out of office in massive, unambiguous numbers in 2018, then I will know for certain that the country I grew up in, if it really ever existed at all, is dead. If anywhere close to 50% of the electorate is ok enough with these people in office to either vote for them, or not vote at all, then these are people I do not wish to live with. Unfortunately, as the entire planet seems to be losing it’s mind and electing authoritarian asshats to run everything, I don’t know where to go. Even Canada has flirted with shifting to the right, although they seem to be ok at the moment. I’m starting to think an armed uprising may, in the end, be inevitable. I am not advocating that, to be clear, as I am a pacifict. I’m just starting to think it’s going to become more and more difficult to avoid.


I did a quick google for life expectancy.

#1 - Monaco
#2 - Japan
#3 - Singapore

#18 - Canada (my country)

#43 - United States


It’s even worse when you consider that we pay so much more in the US for worse outcomes.


He’s right, technically, or at least mostly right. No one dies because they don’t have access to healthcare. Everyone has access because there are lots of hospitals and doctors and nurses and physicians’ assistants in this country. You can walk in the door of any hospital and doctor’s office and suddenly you have “access”.

But that’s the fucking rub of it. Access doesn’t mean affordability. Every time this POS and others like Marsha Blackburn talk about improving access they’re just blowing smoke up everyone’s asses. Access doesn’t equate to actual care, and certainly not affordable care. Republicans just keep using one word to pretend likes it’s another, and they think we’re stupid.

Fucking assholes.


My county has free EMT + ambulance service for everyone. The county government wanted to start charging, but–with all the costs per taxpayer laid right out for everyone to see–the people voted to keep it free. This is because the EMTs were able to show how many fewer people died in our county than in nearby ones because they didn’t hesitate to call for help. At the time, I wondered if there would be a way to set up a public “ride to the doctor or hospital” service when you didn’t need emergency medical care or sirens on the way.


If we go back to the old bad days of underwriting and then I lose the insurance we have, then our premiums for the ones of us that could get coverage would probably (based on estimates I’ve seen this week) exceed our household monthly gross income. Some of us would just be uninsured. How do you stock up on medical care?


I’m so sorry you and your family went through that.


Thats not very fair. Retired people know better than most that health care is a major contributor to people not dying.


For anyone out there who missed this part:

“A peer-reviewed, high-impact factor study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that being uninsured increases your risk of death by 25%.”


Thanks for that.

A review of perhaps his TRUE motives: “Green is the CEO of a for-profit emergency department staffing company that operates in several states.”


My state has a “patient transport service” for a similar reason. It uses similar vehicles to the ambulance service, but with a lower standard of care. Its useful for transporting patients between hospitals where they don’t actually need paramedics in the vehicle.


Get all the preventive care you can now. Cancer screenings, vaccinations [1], etc. That, or move to a first-world country.

[1] Anyone care to guess how cost-effective it is to make people pay out of pocket for vaccinations?


He still had one good leg. He could have just hopped his way there.


He actually would have been fine being driven by his climbing partner, but the rangers called the ambulance without asking. So we have “over prescribing” combined with overcharging. The ride was $1000!