If gay guys said the stuff straight guys say to them (video)



That is, like, so straight!

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It’s a cute video. The generation ahead of us will likely not understand these issues. Many of us grew up in a society where gay was not just different, but unacceptable. As I say to gay friends “It’s incredible how far we’ve come, and how lucky you are to be part of this change to acceptance”, I realize that I still harbor a feeling of “you’re different”. Regardless of my acceptance, in my mind being gay is a special thing, to be flagged as separate from normal. My children don’t see this difference, they don’t recognize marriage equality as anything special. To them it’s the way things should be, and the way things are. To them it’s not a big deal. I want to shout and recognize this awesome new thing and exclaim and congratulate my friends for being a part of a wonderful transition. My kids are like “WTF are you freaking out about? It’s no big deal. Of course they’re getting married - they love each other.”

It’s a good thing to see that they are beyond acceptance. It’s sad they can’t share my joy at seeing the transition.

I can’t let go of it. My ‘gay friends’ are in a different category than just ‘friends’. I love them as much as anyone I know, but mentally they go in a different box than my straight friends. I don’t know why, that’s just how it is. My kids, they just have friends, some of whom happen to be gay. Venn diagrams abound.


As I say to gay friends “It’s incredible how far we’ve come, and how lucky you are to be part of this change to acceptance”

You must be lucky enough to not have friends that have been victims of gay bashing, discrimination, etc. – I appreciate your post, but I really don’t think we’ve come all that far just yet. Frankly, I think it’s incredible how backwards we still are in the most of the USA.


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