Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/30/if-you-have-dogs-you-must-pay-the-cheese-tax.html
Yah, the cheese tax!
We have a cat that always takes her cheese tax… but only shredded mozzarella…
I’ve seen Silken Windhounds in the flesh; they are stunning! I asked “Are they miniature Borzois, or long-haired Whippets?” and the answer was “Yes and no”. They are a cross between the two, with a dash of Sheltie for robustness (the ears are a bit Sheltie-like, and not quite the “rose ear” that is desirable for the Borzois and Whippets).
As for the name; I think the person who named the breed must have read too many 1980s romances.
ha ha, FABIOOOOOOOO. I’ve been fascinated by Silken Windhounds ever since I found the Cleo and Abby TikTok. I’ve never seen one in real life but I would LOVE to! they’re beautiful!
Wait, the doggos and kittehs get the cheese tax? In our house it’s the children.
And me.
It’s sharp cheddar only for our cats.
Your kitty has good taste!
My Apple Music profile is attached to all the household smart speakers. As a result, whenever my playlist or album has ended, said speaker will proceed to the next track it thinks I’ll want to hear, and nine out of 10 times? That’s something by “Puppy Songs.”
i’m not a dog owner, but even i have heard that cheese makes dogs fart. cheese tax? nope. deal with it, pups!
For my boy Felix it was lunchmeat. The crinkle of a pack of sliced turkey or ham would bring him running. Forget those fancy treats.
My dog was weird, he loved apples, licking yogurt pots clean, and lots of other stuff, but if you opened a packet of crisps, he’d arrive from anywhere in the house immediately.
My dog is weird like that, too! No processed meats. Cheese is hit or miss. On Sunday I tried this marmite and honey on buttered toast that @iknownuurthing and @FloridaManJefe recommend, gave a bite to my doggo, he loved it. Desperately wanted a second bite (which he got, of course). Yesterday I was eating buttered toast without honey or marmite, tried to give him the last bite, but he wouldn’t eat it. I put marmite and honey on that little bite and he scarfed it down.
I guess he’s trained me well.
Abby and Chloe are such beautiful creatures. Well worth the cheddar.
Cheese is a good delivery mechanism for dog medicine too.
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