Originally published at: If you lose something on the NYC subway, you'll probably find it. Here's why. | Boing Boing
And they haven’t come looking for it? Am disappoint.
“Hello, I’m looking for my humanity.”
I dropped a fancy expensive fountain pen on the tracks once… it was really one of those moments where you see life in slow motion and you go noooooooo. I asked an employee and they sent someone out who climbed down and got it for me! They were super nice
Maybe it belonged to @edgore?
Maybe…does it have a Badtz Maru luggage tag on it?
i was once so tired i left my backpack on the train and the train was gone before i realized what id done. talked to the person in the ticket booth, found my way to the world of lost and found, there’s my backpack no problem.
almost a fair trade for the time i got mugged while waiting for the train
I lost an older model iPhone that I use for my music on a Metro-North train into Grand Central that I commute on. Filled out the online form, recovered it at Metro-North’s Lost and Found room at Grand Central couple weeks later. I was super impressed.
I got to watch my favorite hat from McMurdo Station get swept from my head onto the CTA tracks-by the time someone could get down there it was just gone.
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