Dalek Drag Queens.
Interesting question.
Given that the Daleks were originally Kaleds, one of two humanoid races which inhabited the planet Skaro, before Davros got to work on them - why not?
yeah, but that was a long time ago, and they’ve died off and come back like a million times now… I don’t know how much connection they have with the Kaleds at this point. Not much, as they are just big blobs inside a pepper pot!
Rain column south of town (coming this way I hope).
Good day for clouds, anyway.
And definitely keeping an eye out for sunset:
Sunset was smothered, but rain has arrived. Very, very strange May for southern AZ, but no complaints here.
Big blobs need love too!
Probably why they’re angry…
I think Game Station have the copyright for robot fashion makeover shows.
Sure, looks much less like the Stabby robot from Futurama at least.
I may be on the trail of unicorn y’all (and one that may just be ill-mannered, or may have some specific beef with the YMCA…)
Bound in a nutshell and Deity of infinity space.
Is the second one a demand or promise?
Tonight I had to go get laundry soap at the grocery store and walked past this.
I don’t understand how dishwashing liquid [soap] like this is a good idea, or what kind of person would think it up in the first place.
Ooh, made with puree from trademarked onions!
Although I note the onion powder is just boring old non-trademarked onions.
Huh, on research, it turns out to be far less exciting than I hoped. So, it’s basically an regional identifier thing, like Parma ham or Champagne (or even, dare I say it, Wensleydale) rather than an excitingly gene-manipulated super onion.
Someone who wants to get in on that sweet, sweet Tide Pod action.
People drink Bubbly already, so…?