Originally published at: Ikea celebrates Pride Month with new set of couches | Boing Boing
“Ikea mistakes Pride Month for a Marketing Opportunity”
i hate them all, actually. this is also why i wish we’d just stick with the original rainbow flag. it already represents everyone, so the need for other flags is just silly.
My favorite is the bisexual couch with “Nobody Believes You” written on it.
Wow, bi-erasure, the couch. Uh, who thought that was a good idea?
Also, is it just me, or are these couches uniformly ugly?
After decades of bi, trans and ace erasure that still continues today, I’m not convinced that it is silly. Quite the opposite, in fact
you can rightly point out that the community has had a long learning arc, and committed erasure in the past, but that is (i believe) changing and my original statement still stands. the argument for needing another flag is indeed silly. the flag represents all, and has from the beginning.
Having just experienced the most hostile pride month to trans people in decades, you can still consider me unconvinced.
The “Nobody Believes You” cushion was recycled from a couch especially for teens who said they had a girlfriend at summer camp who is from Canada.
I wonder what are the Swedish words for “stop”, “no”, and “don’t”.
Excuse me, Suzie is REAL and she lives in Utah, not Canada!
Speaking for the missing “A” in the LGBTQIA+, I’d state that it continues to this day.
(and yes, I know that the plus sign is meant to include everyone, but when your entire identity is still considered a mental illness that requires ‘fixing’, it’s little to no comfort.)
Then what’s the fucking point? I really am tiring of companies showing off Pride-themed stuff and then saying “lol, you can’t buy it!”
With all due respect, I will decide which flags represent me, and as with most trans people, I have had my share of abuse and exclusion from mainstream gay men and cis lesbians. You guess where I come down on the question.
All those LGBTQ couches and yet not a single homo-sectional among them.
The point is that it’s an art installation. Every couch is an art piece made by artists that identify as the identities displayed. The bi couch was made based on a poem by a bissexual artist etc.
It seems someone screwed up the “it’s an art installation” bit and all media outlets got confused and covered it as a product line. It’s more akin to Cow Parade or customizing a Muni.