"I'm afraid of men on the Internet"

Twitter was one of the first technologies that made me feel old - I just looked at it in staggered incomprehension, tried a couple tweets, and walked away, wondering what the kids see in it. And basically all media coverage of twitter reinforces my belief that it’s not a communications platform I need in my life. I’m happy it’s working for you, but twitter may just require more investment than I’m willing to give it to turn it into a positive feature of my online life


… I was born in 1972


'76 for me, but I’ve descended into premature old-coot-ness. Fear of the new, unwillingness to learn, avoidance of participatory culture, the whole kit and kaboodle, I’m afraid

also, get off my lawn


I too am guilty.

A friend started texting a loved one wildly inappropriate things.

I let him know the consequences.

He confessed he was high on vicodan and drunk, and us Four had a good therapeutic talk. But it took a mild “rock bottom” or wakeup call to get to that point.

Confronting a jerk does work.


Here’s my theory:
A certain type of man, who was treated badly as a child (edit: real or perceived poor treatment), was told that middle aged white men run the world. They were told, perhaps not explicitly, that once they were a certain age, they would be the ones IN CHARGE. They dealt with their own poor treatment by imagining the future in which they would have the power. Now, they are middle aged men, and they are not in charge, they are not rich, they didn’t end up where they thought they would.

Now, I didn’t end up where I thought I would either, it’s pretty common. But, that type of person has an entitlement complex, and they are pissed off that anyone has any power or authority, it was supposed to be their power. Now, women/POC/LGBTQ are expecting to be considered people, with their own autonomy and influence, so it feels like that was stolen from them personally, and they have a tantrum.


If I ever get bored here, I will take your advice and try it. But for now… I shouldn’t even be on here as much as I am. I’m sofa king busy but such a skilled time-waster, too. Priorities, priorities.

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I agree with this, but not the first premise that they were treated badly. I don’t think thats the case. I think its literally Misandry-icecream. When you have gotten all the ice cream your entire life, loosing one scoop to a woman is misandry.


Only if it is Phish Food.

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Buttons, stickers, posters, t-shirts, etc. please.

As a start for, you know, all those who throw up their hands while bleating, “Yeah, it sucks, but what’s a nice guy like me supposed to do about it?”


Right!? There are a million things nice guys can do. Being nice isn’t the point, its the baseline (wait, am I mansplainin’? :smiley: I’m going to hell, aren’t I).

But serious face, if you are a nice guy, don’t let harassment slide. You don’t even have to get in an argument, you can start out with a, “Really?”. Nice guys, practice that and we can go to level two.


I was extrapolating from some specific people that I know, and poor childhood treatment, or the perception of it, was a common thread. But, I see your point that it’s not necessary.

Fair enough. I can see it going both ways, I’m just always leery of the “childhood trauma” trope. It gets used a lot to excuse a lot of things…


True, it’s too often used to let someone off the hook.

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I doubt there are many things that would make me threaten (much less enact) violence. Violence is a part of our gender stereotype that I try to stay very far away from. I haven’t thrown a punch at someone since 1994, and would like to keep on that record. Luckily, though, no one has threatened or seriously harassed my loved ones, so I don’t know what I’d do in that situation. My girlfriend, in the case of harassment, can generally handle her own. But she also has a very limited internet presence, partly due to jerks.

I’m glad I’m not alone in this. Twitter seems absolutely useless to me, and I admit to being very perplexed on why people seem to care so much about it. I genuinely don’t get it.



I may never live that down :smile:


Sure. Me too. I’m not a violent man. But I’d rather spend a night in jail knowing that a loved one is safe from an aggressor (kind of a weird paradox in itself), than be sitting by the pool “wondering.” Of course this can be taken to an illogical extreme, and I’d rather verbally aikido a guy than beat his face on my fist. We are just discussing things on the Internet. My point is that I will protect my friends and loved ones with everything I personally possess & that’s the long & short of it for me. I love them and want them to be safe. I know you do, too. No one here is more or less a man or woman, through any of this discussion, agreement or disagreement about styles of response. We are simply talking.

That said,


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You fell into the Jeep Dip tank today, didn’tcha?


So, once again, we’re stuck sitting in a room, unable to enjoy life to the fullest because we need to protect ourselves? How is that fair?


No, it sucks & I wish it weren’t so.

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