In 100 years, we'll remember technology's transformation and Trump will be long forgotten

Right. Not holding my breath on that one.

Welcome, traveller, to our dimension. Things are bad here. You might want to bring all of this back as a grim warning of one of many possible futures.

I do have questions. Do you have Walt Disney World in your timeline, and if so, do you still have a working 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride? If you do, will you accept cash to bring me back over to your dimension or will a check be ok?

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This has been keeping my hoping machine running, lately.

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Rob Ford, ahead of his time.


Apparently - I’ve been looking at that new Apple design book - they’ve already forgotten the Apple II, not to mention the Lisa.

As deeply painful it is for me to agree with LJ, while Trump might be the last president who has the ability to do something about climate change, it is more likely already too late. The environmental became a political battleground rather than a bipartisan common goal thanks to the Reagan administration, notably cabinet member and felon James G. Watt.

Unless LJ is talking about some other James Watt.


All the free labor in the early years didn’t hurt.



As elegantly said by Mr. Heinlein:

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.”




That was a great quote, and one I’ve never heard before…thanks!


The dude who wrote much of that Constitution, and most of the one it was based on, wasn’t a slave-owner nor was he from a line of slave owners, nor was he in a commonwealth that had much time for slaves once it got established.

If you want to argue history with imprecise statements then allow that America didn’t come from South Carolina, Massachusetts forced it on them. When I was in Mississippi the other year, I learned that the locals in Jackson still resent Massachusetts, because we burned their slave city down at the end of the civil war. There’s a plaque blaming us, and everything.


Is he dead? Should we make a thread?


I gather there is something you think I wrote about the drafting of the Constitution?

Rob Ford? He’s been dead a while now. I guess that’s wasn’t international news?

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When else do you suppose America started?

started::early years=infancy::childhood

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