In 1961 an IBM 7094 was the first computer to sing

Originally published at:

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Well, since you bring it up, HAL is one letter away from IBM, too. Although Arthur C Clarke denied the connection.


The synthesiser in this piece starting at 0:12 is sampled from an original composition played on an IBM S/360 from 1973


[quote=“jlw, post:1, topic:100066”]
I had no idea![/quote]
Another entry in the list of things I just assumed everyone knew, but I guess not.
Here’s the theater where I first saw 2001 in '68:

It has apparently been torn down since. What kind of barbarian tears down something so beautiful?


My how things have moved on…

Now it lives in the Gernsback Continuum.

I recently got an epub of Clarke’s The Lost Worlds of 2001 and am looking forward to reading it. Apparently it has his original short The Sentinel as well as notes and bits of story intended for 2001 but which Kubrick either rejected, or where technically infeasible.

In the 70s and 80s most of the other kids were into Star Wars, but 2001 was my jam.

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Technically this is correct (i.e. sing in human voice) but the first musical output from a computer was surely from the Manchester Baby, in 1949. Midsummer Day, 21st June 2018, will be the 70th anniversary of the first successful program run on a fully electronic digital general purpose computer.

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I think he might really have been denying that there was any meaning in it being one letter before IBM.

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Indeed. Try getting an actor to say “open the pod bay doors, Jcn”

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Here is with a little of context and presented by a narrator.
Amazingly after 14 I remember where I first heard of this.

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