In effort to boost ticket revenue, LA deploys even more confusing parking signs

The only problem is that you have to pull over and park and get out of your car to read them. No way I could make that out from my vehicle, and the “No stopping” part is kinda critical information.


Do you like craps? Then you’ll love Los Angeles’ new parking signs!

This is neutral?

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You’re out of your mind, Mark, and you’re being more than a little clickbaity about it. These are perfectly clear signs to me. Do a lot of people in LA have trouble reading TV Guide, too?


For some reason it seems obvious to me that the headline is snarky; I don’t think he’s accusing them of actual corruption. Like a “In its ongoing effort to ruin the internet, Adobe issues Flash update” kind of headline. Clearly he finds the signs more confusing than most commenters here.

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TV guide is this generation’s Voynich Manuscript. I don’t know what you guys are on about.


a nice can of spray paint would really simplify things

Yea, that’s not the linked article. That’s Boing Boing

Perfect width for a paint roller.

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I’d actually find this preferable to the system we have in some Chicago suburbs, wherein multiple signs at various places on different posts (and individual meters) contradict each other. At least this way, all the info is in one place and you have a chance of figuring it out.


What’s now uncertain is how the cities will make up for this lost revenue when self-driving cars are the norm.

My view is that there should be no parking on public land at all, other than for those with disabilities. If you must drive somewhere, when you get there, take your fucking car with you. Whe’re not allowed to leave our other crap laying around on public land, so why do cars get a free pass?


Well, except for bicycles, Frisbees, blankets in the park, construction materials, trees, hazard signs, gazebos, and chalk.

But what have the romans ever done for us?


Can we please dispense with the naivete? Of course the reasons for complicated parking rules is to increase revenue for the city. And, no, it’s not right, because the goal is not to get drivers to pay fair value for parking or just follow the rules; The city wants to turn people into inadvertent scofflaws so as to issue tickets as a money making scheme, viz the (thankfully) failed red light cameras that perfectly illustrate the same issue.

I live in SF, not LA, but the game is the same.

I did not notice the times at first and thought they were splitting up the side of the road on certain days

I believe this is covered by the “Calendar (New Style) Act of 1750”

The white zone is for parking red cars, the red zone is only for parking black&white cars.

OTOH, I never did understand NYC’s Alternate Side Of The Street Parking rules, but I lived in NJ and usually took trains into the city, or parked in the garage by the Lincoln Tunnel.

How about an LED above each parking spot. Red means don’t park there. Green means you can. Sort of like the systems used in shopping center car parks except the interpretation is different.

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Soon our automatic cars will just drop us off and then drive in circles until called to pick us up, and won’t that be great?

Definitely! It’s a lot less risky than climbing down the rope ladder while my helicopter runs. I’m always afraid of what happens if it runs out of fuel before I get back. Fingers crossed!