In the Mindy Kaling's new Velma series, the character will be of East Asian descent and there's no Scooby Doo or Mystery Machine

What if for whatever reason Mystery Inc. broke up and the friends went their own ways only to reunite after years or decades to re-investigate an old mystery? This could be long enough for Scooby to have passed of natural causes. They could remember and reminisce about Scooby without actually having him be present.


As long as BamBam isn’t a soma addict or some such, I’d totally watch that :wink:


I don’t have a problem with an Asian American Velma—I had to look closely at the drawing to even have an opinion about whether or not she’d been Asian the whole time—

but I wonder a little if this impulse is based on racial stereotypes—like, they’re making Velma Asian because Velma is short, Velma wears glasses, Velma seems to have some kind of lower status than the posh and unambiguously white Fred and Daphne, Velma is “the smart one”—

I dunno, I guess it’s better than nothing


I was way more surprised by the Sandman backlash than I should have been. I think it was a combo of learning that A) there was a series coming out and B) people were crying about the casting. I haven’t looked into it too much, but the casting for Desire looks spot on (which has some folks angry for some reason :man_shrugging:).


I thought that, too, but there’s no way to escape it and still improve diversity in film/tv. If they’d made Daphne Asian, it would be playing into the whole sexualization trope. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Scooby Doo Fred GIF

I was sadly not surprised.

They are mad that a non-binary person was cast as Desire… :roll_eyes: But it’s DESIRE, FFS.


Bakshi built his career at Terrytoons. Supposedly when CBS approached him for a show idea, he claimed that he owned the rights to Mighty Mouse and suggested a reboot. When they agreed, he had to scramble to find out who actually owned the rights to secure them. Luckily for him, it was CBS.


Crossover this with a Jetsons reboot / spinoff (Barney applies for a job at Spacely Sprockets and hits it off with George)? The timeline is close enough, as from a quick Google search the original Jetsons series (which premiered in 1962) was set 100 years in the future, 2062.


Ok, I guess that would work too… but John WICK!

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I discovered the backlash before I knew there was a series. It was kind of a “People are angry about Death being cast? Wait… There’s a Sandman series?! Oh. Of course people are angry. Damn, Desire looks perfect.”

To his credit, Neil Gaiman has been stepping up to tell the complains to eff off.


This. This this this this this this.

I can’t help feeling that these “fans” have never actually read the comics, but just like perving over illustrations of Death.


It was announced maybe… just pre-pandemic or early in the pandemic? I read Neil Gaiman’s tumblr a couple of times a week, so I saw his promoting it back then.

He’s pretty heavily involved in the production, so yeah… Not as involved as was with Good Omens, but to a greater degree than with American Gods. I’m sure he’s aware that this is the thing he did that his hardcore fans feel the biggest attachment to, so he’s probably more protective of it. It’s also the thing that really made his career as an author, so…

Probably… assholes.


Cool! I’m getting excited about this. Good Omens and the Sandman are my favourite Gaiman reads. I really need to see Good Omens, it remains one of the best things I’ve ever read.


It’s not exactly the same, but I thought it was a wonderful tribute to Sir Terry. But then again, I’m not one of those people who wants a book or comic translated directly into a film, because then you get Zach Synder’s Watchmen… :face_vomiting:


So… it’s just a wholly different show, based around one character, in a wholly different environment? They used to just call those “spin-offs”.

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Quote fixed.


That’s all I need to hear. Sir Terry is a huge part of why I got into writing.



Also, not actually Velma but Mike Tyson Mysteries’ Yung Hee Tyson is pretty much Velma.


Yep, that seems to be the issue; and again, it’s fucking ridiculous.