In viral footage, Best Buy staff organize football-style defense to block phone thieves

Maybe it’s different at retailers but at Apple Stores, all of the display phones are set up so that the store can brick them at a moment’s notice. It may actually be that if they go out of range of the store’s WiFi, they auto-brick.

In any case, thieves at the Apple Store just end up with bricked devices that are basically wothless.

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Ask store managers about how premiums are rising or cancellations so stores simply cannot get coverage.
City I live in won’t prosecute “minor” property crimes and so shoplifting has risen through the roof and even larger stores are closing or leaving the central business district. The last grocery store downtown closed out because they simply could not sustain the cost of shoplifting.
(Criminals just make “bad life choices” around here, so they tend to get a hug and a cookie even after dozens of convictions.)

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Sometimes that’s the point.

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Wow! That’s one angry dude!

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I can’t count how many times I was asked if I worked there back in the day, even when wearing non-blue polo shirts. I guess I just looked the type. I guess I don’t look the type anymore since I traded in polo shirts for blue collar work.

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That didn’t go so well for this guy:

It’s best to assume corporate overlords do not have your back.


On-topic, Best Buy ($20B market cap) is a large enough company to self-insure. So not relevant to the topic at hand.


Hmmmm, you mean like Walgreens?

Walgreens cited shoplifting as rationale for closing 5 stores in San Francisco, but local officials, data, and experts cast doubt on that explanation

I wouldn’t necessarily trust whatever the corporate execs or PR people are peddling as their reasons for shutting down and leaving.


Thee think I really despise about best buy is while it would be nice to buy speakers in person, the acoustics of a typical best buy store are… “industrial”, at best

Possibly useful for buying noise canceling headphones that work in heavy traffic.

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