Incapacitated by awesome choices

MrsTobinL read and enjoyed it. Note this was when we still played tournament scrabble and she played with the experts. She had a notebook for all the words she looked up in the dictionary while reading it.

Me. I tend to be a bit more plebian about my reading. I have finally read some more classic stuff like Jules Verne(which is good but also they are all almost like travelogs of then fantastic trips rather than adventures proper) and Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson, etc. I just never got into some of the more literary stuff.

As far as living in Seattle goes, yes the winters are wet and dark but the warm and sunny long long days of summer more than make up for it for me anyway.


My best wishes and respect to Mrs. Tobin. If I had patient help with Ulysses Iā€™d love to try, work permitting. Iā€™d definitely need the reference materials close at hand.

My regular reading is even less literary than Messrs. Verne and Stevenson. I lean toward nonfiction and memoirs. The Robert Caro LBJ books are faves. Iā€™m also reading drafts of a top secret :slight_smile: memoir by a friend who lives in Seattle.

I think the weather there is beautiful ā€” so green. We hope to soon find the right balance of undercompemsated social justice job and moderately overpriced apartment to rejoin our friends in the northwest.

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Hey, stop talking about how nice the weather really is in Seattle!

Itā€™s already too crowded here.

Enh she likes that kind of stuff in general so it wasnā€™t much of a stretch. Now Finneganā€™s Wake that is another thing entirely. I dare anyone to read more than one page of it without getting a migraine.


Maybe she would recommend some book clubs once weā€™re there ā€¦

Ms. hello_friends and I read the news pretty constantly. Election season is better than sports whatever. She likes crosswords and lets me ā€œhelpā€ sometimes.

Yes on FW ā€¦ maybe in the same box as The Ticket that Exploded and Krappā€™s Last Tape. :slightly_smiling:

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Gawd I slept well last night and woke up on the Right Side of the Bed.

Maybeā€¦ Just maybeā€¦ Iā€™ll walk over a get a coffee .



:coffee: :joy:


Isnā€™t mostly predicated on the (unspoken) theory that the ToDo list-generation industry is the backbone of American commerce?


Three years in a row I ran a 24-hour marathon reading on Bloomsday. Closest Iā€™ve gotten to reading it all myself.


Yeah, it seems to be a system to optimize TODOs. Iā€™m clearly averse to being organized.


I drank a cup of coffee and didnā€™t die.
Let me repeat, I successfully finished a coffee.
It was crappy burnt coffee, but I donā€™t care.

Can I really have coffee again!?

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And here I thought it was about the walking, i.e., on your foot??

Maybeā€¦ Just maybeā€¦ Iā€™ll walk over a get a coffee .

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Last day on emergency medication. Still hurts a bit, but aleve is strong enough to mellow it out. This week has ended on a high note :smiley:



Isnā€™t Herzog the best?

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