Incredible sight as seven suns mysteriously appear over China (video)

Yes you must. At once sir!


There’s proof! The Pleiades are on a collision course for Earth!


It’s the prophecy - Godzilla is now summoned.


All right, all right, I’ll watch The Seven Body Problem. It’s on my list.




So, real question here. I’ve had a couple instances recently of the phenomenon in the photo below. Both during dark conditions, both producing a ghosted twin of the light part of the shot (the other was the moon; note also that the shot below has not just the clock face but also a fainter part of the upper tower as well).

Both were taken outdoors, so a window isn’t to blame. I do have a lens protector on my phone so I’ve been assuming that it’s producing this effect. Anybody have other thoughts?

I couldn’t decide if I was annoyed that I couldn’t get a traditionally “good” shot of the tower or excited by how cool the result is. :man_shrugging:


Huh. I would be curious what the moon shot looks like.

Were you using a phone camera, or an SLR? Did the illusion happen through your view finder/screen, or only after taking the picture?

I thought the original photo was maybe due to different panes of glass creating the illusion. Maybe it has to do with the lenses - like a lens flare?

I dunno -the effect reminds me of those infinity mirror art pieces.


unless the culprit is looking through treble glazed window frame… ooops

or not…

So shooting through the fixed side of an open sliding triple pane window might give you six images…

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I think, but am not positive, that the illusion was visible on the screen (it’s an iPhone).

Here’s the moon pic, since you requested it (not me; hope my fishing buddy doesn’t mind). I particularly like that the moonshine from the water is across his shoulder.

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Ryan Reynolds Sport GIF by Wrexham AFC

This may be due to your camera taking 2 images shortly after each other which it then merges to get the lighting better. A dark exposure and a light exposure then mixes them to get the range of bits in the image.

I would think it indicates there was some minor movement between images and it just slapped them together.


That’s a nice fish!

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I certainly wondered about that. I think I can rule it out though, as I took three iterations of the tower, getting the identical result (clock face displacement equal in distance and angle) each time, and was extremely careful about movement (two hands, close to body, controlled breathing, etc. - not my first rodeo).

That’s a nice fish!

The topwater smallmouth bite was on fire that evening! No small fish, some much bigger.

I sure do like a sunny day, that one was just great. Remember to keep on the sunny side of life

Maybe you had your camera in that special “Yearbook photo montage” mode :grin:
There is a couple faces there now…


Hou Yi, Hou Yi, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone…

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No, not the red one.

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