Indiana Senator Braun is open to interracial marriage becoming illegal in the United States

That’s very true. What it does say very clearly, however, in the 14th Amendment, is this: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” And that clause was the basis for the ruling in Loving. Sometimes, you can argue that SCOTUS has reached a bit (or a lot) in some of their rulings. This is not one of those cases. The ruling in Loving was unanimous. In a very short concurrent opinion, Potter Stewart nailed the problem in a much more basic way than the majority opinion did: “It is simply not possible for a state law to be valid under our Constitution which makes the criminality of an act depend upon the race of the actor.” Braun showed a mind boggling lack of understanding of the Constitution with his statements.


It’s really a matter of “Well, to get what I want, we’ve had to create a legal system that could potentially result in that”. There’s never really a consideration of how desirable or practical that consequence would be.

Things like this, and much of what the GOP has been pushing the last half dozen years is just what their followers followers are into.
But why would someone raised in America in the 70s, 80s, and 1990 have this point of view. It’s how they were raised, sort of. The republican agenda/point of view at this time was much different then it is today, but something else changed, as well. Budgets. Specifically, education budgets. Lower funding for schools has led to a generation dummies. It gets better.
Having a weaker early education doesn’t make someone a Nazi, but it makes them more likely to side with that viewpoint when they see it at home. That’s right, the party that screams about traditional family values is really talking about *their" family values: violent, authoritarian, abusive fathers.
Pair those two things together, and you end up with a lot of people that see nothing wrong with the recent GOP agenda. And the assault on education continues today with the book banning, the anti CRT school boards, and the “don’t say gay” thing. Of course, I could be completely wrong, but I see the GOP playing chess, while everyone else thought we were playing checkers.

Annnnd the walkback:

“Earlier during a virtual press conference I misunderstood a line of questioning that ended up being about interracial marriage,” Braun said. “Let me be clear on that issue — there is no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race, that is not something that is even up for debate, and I condemn racism in any form, at all levels and by any states, entities, or individuals.”


No. Just no.

There are grade school dropouts who understand the importance of Loving v. Virginia perfectly well, and there are people with doctorates and law degrees from ivy-league universities who parrot this kind of ignorant racist garbage. Mike Braun has an MBA from freaking Harvard, for Chrissakes. He’s a fucking bigot but no one can claim he was denied an opportunity to get a comprehensive top-notch education.

I’m all for increasing education funding but this isn’t a problem caused by a lack of education. It’s a problem caused by a lack of empathy.


“… it’s just that preventing the mixing of races isn’t racism, it’s natural law, and I acknowledge that the Constitution currently prohibits banning miscegenation, but that don’t mean I think that’s right.” /s


You’re absolutely right. I was being grossly unfair to Neandertals and will never again liken them to Republicans.


Whoa whoa whoa what proposed state laws are these? Is this part of the current anti-abortion hell wave? Please excuse my ignorance.

It’s part of the current pro-fascism and pro-white-supremacy hell wave.


For republicans the bottom is like the moebius strip. They keep going and going, they can’t ever get there but won’t ever quit trying.


Because racists, misogynists, and other bigots did not magically disappear when Dr. King waved a magic wand and made the hate go bye-bye.

Plenty of people with a high degree of education are racist.

Black Ink Crew Laughing GIF by VH1

Please. If they were doing so, they would not be relying on brute force, which is what authoritarianism is. Fascists are not smarter than everyone else. They’re just willing to bend the laws or break them to get what they want. They are hateful bigots…

Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live

They lean into this stuff, because they believe and it politically benefits them.


I think we need to hire some of the actors who have portrayed Satan on the screen (big or small) to product campaign anti-ads where they, dressed as Satan, endorse the “Christian” candidates who are working hard for Him.

Don’t be silly. The Second Amendment is part of the Constitution. Repealing it would require another Amendment (much like the 21st repealed the 18th to end Prohibition.)

Now if a state wanted to codify into law that in that state the term “Arms” as used in the Second refers only to weapons that existed at the time the Founding Fathers wrote the Amendment, that Mr. Braun should be okay with. He’d be happy if a legislature could define the term “marriage”, after all.

I’d love to see someone ask one of Harvard’s administrators if people like Braun and others with Harvard degrees represent the state of the education one can get from Harvard these days, and if they say it is ask how they can claim with a straight face that a Harvard education is worth the cost.


They are pretty close to the mark for that, currently 28 Governors are Republicans, they only need 6 more…

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If that was actually true, I would pay the transportation costs for your son and spouse to meet the good senator. Unfortunately, a meeting like that would probably just make Braun even more deranged and disturbed.


it would be a fantastic visual. however as my record shows, i will not use my family to score cheap political points. :wink:


when did you start thinking Fox news HASN’T used the term “half-breeds”?
I will allow that they haven’t used that term to specifically refer to your children… yet.

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