Indiana Senator Braun is open to interracial marriage becoming illegal in the United States

You are assuming that the GOP gives a shit about facts and reality. They do not. They throw whatever bigoted, regressive bullshit out there to see what their base laps up and then walk it back when people point it out. There are NUMEROUS examples of republicans saying one thing in different context ON VIDEO that contradict one another. People who believe facts aren’t the ones that need convincing of how racist these people are…


" Lived memory for lots and lots of people, including many who were in interracial relationships."

I was born in the early fifties and lived in North Carolina and Washington DC at the end of legal segregation and I still recall it even from childhood.

My parents were surprisingly lberal (Dad was a career Marine) and I never understood laws like that even as a child.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’d suggest simplifying it for yourself and leveraging research from civic groups you trust. The Women’s club often shares writeups, your paper (if one exists) may endorse candidates, or heck I bet Hoosiers on Boing Boing would give you advice.

It’s going to be a slog, but we can overcome.


Which means it’s within YOUR lived reality.

The reason was to maintain white supremacy, and the goal now is to reassert it as we are much closer to a racially equitable society than anytime before (as racist as our modern society still is).

The GOP has decided that they believe in white supremacy and they are showing us on a daily basis how much they want to ensure it’s viability.


Lindsey Graham had a good suggestion

Unless its his resignation, that sentence is never true.


You misunderstand–I’m saying that being in a situation where a marriage that was previously prohibited was vitally important gives me a lot of sympathy for others who might not be able to marry.

Nope: I’m pretty sure they didn’t.


I’m guessing that is also a dog whistle for “We need to change the Constitution so it doesn’t do this anymore”.


Absolutely no values, except what apply to the current situation.

They’re for outlawing abortion being on a state-by-state basis, up to the point when they can get it outlawed nationally. And they’re happy with national prohibition on hard drugs, so they wouldn’t consider turning that decision over to the states. Heaven forbid some state would want to require gun registration - that’s got to be prevented nationally.


Wouldn’t that be considered to be cannibalism?

Doesn’t matter. They’ll just drag out a backhoe.

I hope not. He might spawn…

And they both have their share of Closet Skeletons…[1] [2], etc, etc, etc, etc…

Everything they don’t like, & that’s a long list.
We ignore them at our peril.

For some reason, I can’t find any redeeming qualities about this entitiy.
And he joins another long list.


I would rather not find out.


and because the way the media landscape is, the base never even hears the retraction. the only purpose of the retraction is to placate those in the “middle” – like people who still ( somehow ) believe dems arent doing enough to court the republican vote.


That ven diagram of racists and Republicans is working overtime at becoming a single circle.


Aside from common sense laws to protect minors (who are universally not developed enough to provide informed consent) the moment we started legislating “who may love who” we were lost.

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I really wish it wasn’t so, but the fringe really do be like that sometimes. :frowning:

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Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals

It is nearly complete.

We’ve only recently had supreme court decisions that allow people to marry whomever they want (Loving and the SC decision allowed same sex marriage). And until pretty recently, divorce was incredibly hard to get, even in the case of spousal abuse and other things. This is exactly who we were until really recently.


Oh, I know. I’m saying there should never have been laws disallowing it in the first place. And that goes way beyond the present-day U.S.


doctor who GIF

But there was, and we have to deal with the reality we’re in. We live in a country that is shot through with racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc, etc, etc. I like for that not the be the case, but here we are. The only way to deal with it is to deal with the reality.


Agree, fully agree. It was a broader lament about human beings making laws against loving, not a denial of the reality that’s here. I hope I didn’t give anyone the wrong impression.



However, the Other Side is busy constructing their own Reality, & intend to operate from there.
They intend to bend the rest of us to their will.
Fuck that, & fuck them!