Indiana Senator Braun is open to interracial marriage becoming illegal in the United States

The cruelty is the point and lots of people who likely self-identify as Christian are fully on board with this.


The Constitution don’t say a whole lot of things. It doesn’t state a size of the Supreme Court, doesn’t state that SCOTUS should decide on Constitutional matters, or many other things. Almost as of the framers intended it to be an evolving framework to benefit everybody - although the right sure loves to use it as a cudgel when it suits them.

With as many of these people that are lawyers, many of whom went to top tier law schools, their ignorance and lack of understanding about these things (either real or staged) is simply stunning.

Marsha Blackburn in her transphobic rant yesterday got all bent out of shape when Jackson wouldn’t “define what a woman is” for her - well, neither does the constitution. I guess women don’t exist in their eyes? Gotta love the irony of someone arguing that trans people are making women “second class citizens” while are the same time arguing against a woman’s rights to make her own healthcare decisions.




Yes, Braun is a racist, plain and simple, but to me the most stunning thing is his desire to basically turn the U.S.A. into the Confederate States of America. We fought a war he may have heard of about this issue. The guy the GOP loves to embrace as their founder, Abe Lincoln, decided to fight a long, bloody war in which hundreds of thousands of people died, rather than let the Union dissolve. The Federal government (President, Congress, and ultimately the Supreme Court) is the final arbiter of law in this country, not the states. I would ask Senator Braun if he thinks the Civil War A) actually decided anything and B) was won by the correct side.


Given his obvious racist views, I think you have the answer to that question.


I guess they now stopped hiding under their klan hoods.


Thomas’s wife is no picnic. She’s a frequent mar-a-lago visitor, trump donor and attendee at the Jan 6 “rally”


They did that a while ago…


AFAIK, he seems to like her, but given his willingness to adjudicate cases where he has a conflict of interest, if he didn’t like her, he might rule in favor of letting states outlaw interracial marriage just to make a clean break.

I think all the things I listed go in his pros column.

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Loving vs Virginia is why I’m a strong proponent of gay marriage. I’m arrow-straight but I’m in an inter-racial marriage (admittedly, white-Chinese rather than white-black) and I know how critically important it was for us (green card).


You can also support gay marriage because it gives other people the chance at living the lives they want too, but pure self-interest is a start, I suppose.



One of the craziest things about straight men opposing gay marriage is that gay marriage is totally in their self interest:


Confused Shahs Of Sunset GIF


My 70-something year old mom confessed something similar to me a few years back and I literally cringed; it’s not a good look when you only give a damn about an issue because you can see how it negatively affects you personally…


I may not have wanted to marry a person of the same sex myself but I have friends and family members who are LGBT–people I care about, some of whom have been in relationships with a person of the same sex longer than I’ve been alive. In that sense the issue did affect me personally because people whose happiness matters to me were being denied rights they deserved.

Although I like to think that if I’d been able to remove them from my thinking and be totally objective I’d still reach the same conclusion that there’s no reason same-sex couples should be treated any differently.


The Republicans are starting to take the gloves off and more and more will no longer care to even try to hide this naked lust for power and control.

This is beyond appalling that someone would even contemplate the government banning people from marriage for reasons so stupid as to beggar expression.



It was the law until the 1960s… :woman_shrugging: Lived memory for lots and lots of people, including many who were in interracial relationships.


Yes, and some reporter should nail him down on this on video or writing. He can’t say the states have the right to pass their own patchwork of laws that cannot be superseded by Federal law, and simultaneously say that he thinks that the correct side won the Civil War. The two are mutually exclusive. Get him on record.