Inova Loudoun County Hospital
Jeremiah, Bartley and Moo have been jointly appointed chief comfort officers at Inova Loudoun County Hospital.
Jeremiah is the oldest of the three at 8 years old, Bartley is 6 and Moo is 3. Due to his age, Jill McCabe, M.D., advocated for Jeremiah to be designated senior chief comfort officer. Jeremiah is a golden retriever and lives with McCabe and her family. He works primarily with child life specialists while offering support to pediatric patients. Due to his age, he only works three days a week. He is a good boy.
Jeremiah was trained by Hero Dogs, an organization coaching service animals. He did not graduate from the program due to his fear of thunder and his tendency for being distracted by tennis balls. A small ceremony was held at the hospital to celebrate the dogs’ promotion from facility dogs to chief comfort officers.
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