I do this too (except I try to park the cart where it isn’t in anyone’s way). I hate trying to maneuver my cart around everybody else and their carts, especially at Costco (aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhh). My sweetie won’t go to Costco with me to help keep me from mowing other shoppers down, so I have to control my aggravation myself
That’s not quite but almost as bad as having your 8th grade English class read Philip Roth.
MrsTobinL says “Please tell me it was Portnoy’s Complaint?”
It didn’t happen to me, it was something Hannah did on the most recent episode of Girls. I did read Portnoy’s Complaint in 7th or 8th grade though, albeit on my own initiative.
I don’t mow other shoppers down… But at Costco I look everyone in the eye and walk completely straight. It provides an instant source of embarrassment for anyone that accompanies me.
There need to be Man Shops, where there is one shelf, at eye level, with clear labels and no one ever, ever reorganises the layout on pain of death.
Also, a terminal with keyword search that tells you where the stuff is.
usable from a comfy Man Chair
Optimally, internet-accessible with realtime stock quotes so we know in advance what we are going there for and where exactly to find it and if they have it.
Maybe with an option of getting it already bagged and prepared for payment and pickup by the time we get there.
Because shopping sucks.
Quite a few grocery store chains do that in Chicago. And then there’s Peapod. The future, it is here!
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