Instructor surprises student pilot by letting him land on his first flight

Originally published at: Instructor surprises student pilot by letting him land on his first flight | Boing Boing


Well I guess I belong to the same club. The first time I was in a cockpit, I was expecting a 'demo flight where the CFI did the whole thins. Instead, he gave me the controls and I took off, flew, and landed the plane. It turns out the instructor was in stealth control mode and was at the controls. He made sure everything worked. It was a lot of flights in before he really let me fly the plane. My guess is this isn’t abnormal.


Same experience with my then-10 year old son. I arranged for him to take a flight with a friend who owned a plane. He walked him through pre-flight check, start-up, taxi, take-off, flight, and landing, letting him do the whole thing. But, as you note, exceedingly closely supervised.


On my intro flight I didn’t notice the instructor touch a thing until we were on base leg.
I don’t remember using elevator trim, I believe he was doing that. And I’m guessing he was also helping with rudder control.


That’s some feel good shit!

There’s a lot of adrenaline in that laughing at the end


After three lessons where I still wasn’t even allowed to TAKE OFF, I quit the lessons.

I was totally ready to become a pilot. Both my parents had. I had the money. I could do the math. I had learned all the radio items. And then, when he let my teenage brother take off in his first lesson, I knew I was never going back.


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