"Intellectually very high level": Watch Trump's hilarious attempt to understand Bitcoin

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/08/02/intellectually-very-high-level-watch-trumps-hilarious-attempt-to-understand-bitcoin.html


“It’s like gold, but electronic? What’s the point? How can you make your living room look classy, really the most elegant, with that?”

“Well, you can use it to launder money. Like, for example, if a Russian dictator is buying your loyalty.”

“Oh, now I get it!”


These wankers think that they’re election deciders. :rofl:


He also thinks Bitcoin is a bottomless money source he can tap into without doing any work, much like Trump University. “Who knows,” he said, “maybe we’ll pay off our 35 trillion dollars, hand them a little crypto check, right? We’ll hand them a little Bitcoin and wipe out our 35 trillion dollars.”

I didn’t say Bitcoin. I said Trumpcoin. [Who are you going to believe, your own lyin’ eyes or me, the best President ever, Donald J. Trump?]

It’s going to be the huge crypto, the best crypto, you’ve never seen such great crypto. Everybody’s going to want my Trump crypto, but we won’t let the crooked Sleepy Joe or the nasty Democrats have any of our Trumpcoin. It’s going to be worth eleventy bazillion dollars so we can easily wipe out the debt if we wanted to. But instead we’ll give it to the billionaire job creators.



I propose a new cryptocurrency backed by Turnip’s ventures: The Dunning-Krugerrand


maybe we’ll pay off our 35 trillion dollars, hand them a little crypto check, right? We’ll hand them a little Bitcoin and wipe out our 35 trillion dollars

That reminds me, I need to order more crypto checkbooks so I can write nice little crypto checks! Guys, it’s way more convenient than carrying around all of those Bitcoins.


I know, those bitcoins don’t even fit in the parking meters or soda machines!


He’s going to release his cryptocurrency plan in two weeks.


Kamala Harris must stake out her position on pet rabbits, or risk losing the support of Bunny Dads like me! :wink:

(For the record, the Donvict said Marlon Bundo was disgusting. Actually, he thinks all pets are low class.)


Clearly there is something about “high level” that he fails to understand.


LMFAO! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If crypto doesn’t work out for him, maybe he can go back to NFT by teaming up with Bored Ape.

I bet that it doesn’t involve taking them to a quarry and shooting them.

The same with “high class”; or any kind of class for that matter.


“Crypto is a very interesting thing, very high level in certain ways, intellectually very high level.”
Translation: “I have no idea what the hell it is. I’m counting on you not knowing either.”
“He has no idea what the hell it is.”
Translation: “If I keep saying this about other people, you might think I know what I’m talking about.”

It’s not just that he obviously has no idea what’s he’s talking about, but what he’s saying doesn’t even make sense. The word salad about China. Claiming he could pay off the debt with a “Bitcoin check” - it doesn’t work that way, none of it works that way even if Bitcoin could reach those heights (which it can’t).

Over and over again, Trump demonstrates that he’s just this lousy businessman who thinks the US and its whole economy is like one of his little shell companies where he can resolve any issues by just shuffling a few million dollars in and out of it and then declaring bankruptcy.


There’s only one kind of ‘high’ the Trumplies understand!


We have a smol rabbit in the backyard right now! Is there a buncoin based on rabbits? Because there’ll soon be more of them.

(Wait, how do I move them to the new place in a month? :thinking:)


I see the /s. I understand the /s.

However, isn’t that literally the exact sales pitch from every company that offered a new coin as a way to raise money?

Which, I’m totally sure that worked out well for all the buyers. /s


To be fair, he sounded exactly like every person I’ve asked to explain cryptocurrency to me over the last 10 or 15 years.


Along with his tax reforms, ‘The Wall’, the check from Mexico to cover the costs of ‘The Wall’, A New Bestest Solid Gold Murcan Healthcare Plan. his ‘cut taxes on the middle class’ plan, his plan to cut the deficit, the plan to bring big coal back, peace in the Middle East, 6 weeks paid maternity leave, end the opioid crisis, and and and and. TFG.


That’s not what I meant.
In my experience the term tends to mean overview or even gloss.


I think Trump’s idea of expert comes from his Dunning-Kruger view of expert. His thought probably along something “I don’t understand what this person is saying but I get the impression it’s may make me sound smart if I do the same. I can try to mimic the impression without the knowledge.” Of course, all this is just his conman’s instinct taking over without consciously thinking. It may work with people who doesn’t care but when facing pushed back from people who know, he will double down and go full DARVO on any and all opposition until his opponent give up on his absurdity. He then declares himself master of universe in literal sense. I assume this is the result of living his whole life without anyone telling to his face that he is an idiot of the first order because his first reaction to these rare instance is his limited vocabulary of “rude and nasty.” It also explained why he seriously ran for presidency when Obama mocked him. Guy can’t deal with intelligent people because it makes him feel lesser about himself.


As soon as his Canadian girlfriend finishes reviewing it.
He’ll arrive at the press conference in a fully self-driving Tesla.