Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/08/interview-with-lady-who-tackled-black-teen-after-falsely-accusing-him-of-stealing-her-phone.html
Hopefully this is the attorney who will represent Trump.
She, um, knows that the hotel has land-lines, right?
Yeah, what’s up with that?
I wonder what is going to happen to society when science finally cracks open the myateries of the brain and we can easily identify liars and sociopaths.
But then she would have to talk on the phone. Who does that?
She simultaneously admitted that she attacked a minor while denying that it was physical assault.
sincerely apologize if I made them feel like I assaulted them, or hurt their feelings
Classic sorry I made you feel. Not sorry for what I did.
I wish I had just 20% of her “I have been wronged and now I’m justified in burning this mother fucker down” attitude. Just enough to help me when I needed it, but not enough for me to hurt innocent people.
its easy to identify liars and sociopaths already.
She’s both.
In the wrap up to the interview, King and others mention the hat and that the lawyer advised her to not wear it for the interview, but she insisted.
About the time the offender does the palm thing, “okay, Gayle, enough,” and the lawyer is trying to get her to stop, I bet that’s about the time she’s reconsidering having accepted this case…
But it was a Black, so it, like, doesn’t count, right?
She should’ve stayed home like Dr. Fauci, both governors, the President-Elect, & nearly every one of her neighbors begged her to. She says defensively that she was a young girl travelling to spend time with her family for the holidays, as if that makes her a sympathetic character…when in fact it does just the opposite. That fact alone already sets her up as a sociopath.
The fact that she did this shit to someone whose father is famous (and therefore has some clout) comforts me.
It’s a shame that’s a factor, but classism & racism go hand in hand; he has the resources to fight her dumb ass in court.
Super sweet. For the second time today, I find myself invoking Inigo Montoya.
At the end of the day, the dad did end up, like, slamming me to the ground and, uh, pulling my hair, and threw- throwing me and dragging me across the ground …
I’d do the same to anyone laying hands on one of my kids.
A grown adult physically assaults my kid, and we’re about to be some fighting muthafuckas.
Like, what did she expect to happen, once she decided to put hands on someone else, but especially someone’s child?
Someone needs to hook her up with Martin Shkreli. They’d make a great couple.