Introducing BBS, our new forums

Will they be round? Not too keen on that myself.

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I’m pleased with the change. Sometimes we get great comments and discussion fades as it moves off the front page. Hope we see less of that and some deeper dialog.

I are confuserated.

Kill it with fire.

(or . . . just don’t look at it.)

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Were you able to import your old comments? I the “button” to import them doesn’t do anything when I press it…

I’m assuming it’s just first day jitters or something though.

there’s a bug

Round is a little much. I can fix that here myself, and will presently.

Do we get an achievement for figuring out the url before you revealed it ? I doesn’t feel like procrastinating if I don’t earn achievements.

:eyes: changed it back to the roundy-corner squares.

Round avatars are the new Mac vs. Pc.

Ha, I love the ever so minimally rounded corners. :slight_smile:

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In my time, you had to figure out the URL to this bbs… Kids these days.

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This is very awesome guys! Great job everyone! And I’m still me.

I dunno, to me this is like if you’re at a gig, and all you want to do is say to your buddy: “Wow, they’re really rocking tonight!” but you have to go to another room to say it, and then you go back to stage, and then in maybe twenty minutes or half an hour, by the explicable grace of the algorithm, your comment of “Wow, they’re really rocking tonight!” might make it as far as the stage, but by that time, the band have lurched into some godawful jazz odyssey, so then you have to run back into the other room to say: “I take back my earlier comment - wtf is with this sub-Weather Report noodling?” And by this time, you’re not sure where the conversation is really happening. I’m probably putting this somewhat melodramatically - but I would agree with the other posters who have said that participating in a forum and looking at and occasionally commenting on a website are two very different things, and mixing up the two may not be for the best.


(for large values of first)

And more thoughts:

This is my third post and I am still getting that “Welcome to Boing Boing BBS …” panel … [sad face]

I just tried to do a sad face icon with : ( , and got a pop up of emoticons. Apparently there are no sad face icons, but : followed by ( is similar enough to an emoticon that I have to pick one from the pop up list? Unless there is someway to get rid of the list and I just do not see it? In general I dislike it when forums auto-change emoticons into pictures or animations.

Apparently an * on either side of a phrase italicizes the word. (1) That is kind of annoying. (2) I thought in most places it made the word bold.

Normally when I am reading comments and decide that I want to reply, I will refresh the page to make sure that no one has said something similar to what I was thinking in the time it took me to read everything. Now, however, the way the page loads makes me concerned about reloading the page. The lack of threading makes it impossible to figure out what comments relate to what I want to say … kind of a pain to read other people’s comments, so why bother?

I was going through my RSS feed and there were multiple articles that I did not bother clicking because I knew I would not be able to read the comments easily. I assume that I am not the only one who came here so much because I liked reading discussions on so many different topics … this change in commenting system makes it seem like the BoingBoing people saw those discussions as a bad thing. [sad face]

Do I have to scroll down past all 286 posts to add my own? (If I am not replying to someone else’s post)

you can just click the downward pointing arrow next to the total number of posts, near the bottom right of the frame.

You can click the down arrow beside the little “1 of 287”-box at the bottom of the right margin.

You can also grab the scroll bar and hold it at the bottom until all the comments are loaded, which is what I find myself doing.

I’d just like to take a leaf out of Jimmo’s book and hail a screaming


I got my original username back with some help by Neil Lalonde via BoingBoingBBS, got an email forwarded to me through my other BoignBoing account I created because I thought I’d lost this one.


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