Originally published at: Intrusive creepy anti-vaxxer harasses pregnant woman at Walgreens | Boing Boing
Personally, I’d advocate the pepper spray route in this situation.
I know it’s extremely petty, but I’d be tempted to retort with something like, “why in the world would you think I’d take medical advice from someone who comes out into public dressed like that?!?” Just to turn the shame train around.
Fuck these fasholes
And this is what they’re going to do. They’re going to go to these stores, and stand in lines, probably at some point soon enough armed, and they’re going to harrass mothers to be.
It’s a relatively enclosed space though. Could be unpleasant for all involved. And vaccines and pepper spray are basically the same: chemicals!
I think another “fair” question would be to ask the creeper if she knows what chemicals are in HER medication, and why she trusts big Pharma and Bill Gates and George Soros etc. etc.
I’d wager she’s just there to bug people in line.
I’d feel like asking if she knew what chemicals were in my fist.
Is this an original story you wrote or something, @markfrauenfelder? I looked over the post several times but couldn’t find references to any sources at all.
Are you perhaps blocking the Tiktok video which contains the primary evidence of the exact interaction being described? You may need to go to the article page, rather than the BBS echo of it here.
I’d show them pictures of people suffering from diphtheria and tetanus on my phone, and tell them this is what they’re opting to have instead of a harmless shot.
Oh, hey, you remember when polio was going around? No? THERE’S A REASON WHY YOU DON’T.
They just insist that is a reaction TO the vaccine. You literally can not argue with people like this. Engaging with them at all is an invitation to them.
Weird. I was actually on the page, but no TikTok video, only ads. Now I can see the video.
Ah yes, a lovely subtle option, seen recently here,
“Why hello! Can I talk to you about the Book of Mormon?”
“That’s a new thing.”
I would hope medical science keeps progressing and new procedures and treatments are developed.
Seriously, mind your own business, people.
Also- fucking makes me sick that vaccines and medicine are now being labeled as “liberalism”. WTAF?
I was just wondering what makes you think you need a vaccine while you’re pregnant?"
Not missing a beat, the woman shot back, “I take medical advice from my doctor who went to medical school, not a woman with a cheap haircut and Payless shoes .” Despite this, Creeper was relentless.
“That’s a very good point. Do you feel better justifying the fact that you’re going to inject some kind of chemical?” she challenged, attempting to sow seeds of doubt.
“(fingers in ears) LA LA LA LA LA, I CAN’T HEAR YOU,,” the woman repeated.
Despite numerous pleas for her to maintain distance, Creeper launched into an uninvited sermon about “liberalism and vaccines.”
Eventually, the woman’s patience wore thin. "**Well, y’see, it’s too late. I got the Liberal Vaccine ™ when I was five. So now I’m going to let this kid watch Sesame Street and I’ll teach her all about Critical Race Theory. In fact, this right here is the Liberal Vaccine so YOU can give it to your kid before they’re even born! ** she replied to the freakish busy-body.
(I would have never thought of those come-backs at the time. Tho sticking your fingers in your ears and going “la la la la la” might be enough to piss off the sanctimonious cow.)
At this point, where was the security guard that many stores employ? The creeper should have been given the bum’s rush for harassing a customer.